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F.L. Hooimeijer

144 records found

Urbanizing river deltas are highly susceptible to sea level rise and extreme weather events such as floods and droughts. Water-related disasters are already happening more often due to climate change, rapid urbanization, unsustainable land use and aging infrastructure threatening ...


Hidden curriculum of transdisciplinary skills

This project (poster) explores and maps transdisciplinary skills in the TU Delft curricula and challenge based education. Courses to address these skills have been identified by means of keyword search in the course descriptions. Interviews are used to explore the transdisciplina ...
Driven by population growth and rural migration toward the cities, the demand for affordable housing continues to increase. However, due to the scarcity of urban development space—especially in coastal areas, the supply is limited. As increasing land availability is one of the mo ...

The Casco concept as an enabler for interdisciplinary design

Designing with flood risk in Venice, Italy

The environmental crisis demands for an interdisciplinary design of urban infrastructure to increase resilience to climate change. Interdisciplinary design is about integration of data, concepts, ambitions and goals by bridging instrumental differences between engineering and spa ...

A collaborative hybridity design approach

Enhancing urban water resilience and spatial legibility

Within the global transition to sustainable urban water management, Dutch polder cities are also contemplating revitalising their water traditions. One of the keys to this task is to integrate water management into urban design, which is explored but not yet practically instrumen ...

Spatial Design Thinking in Coastal Defence Systems

Overtopping Dikes in Southend-On-Sea

Coastal dikes have been built for millennia to protect inhabited lands from exceptional high tides and storm events. Currently, many European countries are developing specific programs to integrate the construction of new dikes (or the raising of existing ones) into the built env ...

Vrijheid in gebondenheid

De nieuwe Nederlandse delta

Niet-duurzame economische en stedelijke groei en klimaatverandering vergroten de urgentie om onze huidige praktijk van deltabeheer radicaal te veranderen. Het is belangrijker dan ooit om nu al te beginnen met het opbouwen van kennis die nodig is om nieuwe vormen van beheer te ont ...
The undisputable human influences on the Earth’s system demand an urgent change of ways and transitions in human systems to sustain a healthy society in the future. Addressing the urgent climatic transformations in deltaic areas, this paper is an attempt of the Delta Urbanism res ...
Alle signalen wijzen erop: onze manier van bouwen en wonen in de delta is op de lange termijn niet vol te houden. Onderzoeker milieutechnisch ontwerpen en universitair hoofddocent aan de TU Delft Fransje Hooimeijer pleit daarom voor een radicale herijking van het deltabeheer. Een ...

Redesigning Deltas

Vijf projecten in beeld

In dit ontwerp wordt Rotterdam door het uitbreiden van ring 14 een sponsstad met een eigen zoetwatervoorraad doordat de Maas een zoet binnenmeer wordt. Het opgevangen regenwater kan plaatselijk in de stad worden gebufferd. Dat maakt dat de stad kan voorzien in de eigen waterbehoe ...
Venice is representative of the result of anthropocene acts on a vulnerable delta system. Therefore it is an excellent study case for a multidisciplinary team of TU students and tutors, to perform interdisciplinary research and design. Two visions were developed on the shared kno ...
The power of design is to be able to see beyond the existing reality and push its boundaries to new sustainable futures. It enables change in ways of doing that created the existing reality in the first place. It creates change. Redesigning Deltas investigates this power of inter ...
The latest IPCC report which is named ‘The Synthesis Report , Climate Change 2023’ was released on 20 March 2023 to inform the 2023 Global Stocktake under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The report finds that ‘there is more than 50% chance that global t ...
Contribution to Redesigning Deltas, 100 jaar plannen maken, Het Nieuwe Instituut (2023) presentation of the RDD Design Study during the exhibition 'Nederland op de tekentafel. 100 jaar toekomstideeën'.@en
The aim of the RDD Design Study was to explore the potentials of the synergy between spatial design and engineering (design) of the Delta territory to create a sustainable and safe Delta. The knowledge gap addressed is the lack of understanding of the mechanisms design thinking h ...

Rotterdam tussen Kabels en Karboon

De Stad en haar Ondergrond

Exhibition at Gemeente Rotterdam, Timmerhuis, Rotterdam@en

Sustainable and Resilient Coastal Cities (SARCC)

Interdisciplinary Flood Protection Strategies for Southend-on-Sea (UK)

In a world influenced by climate change and consequently sea-level rise, extreme floods are expected to become more frequent in the future, representing a serious threat for riverine and coastal settlements. Therefore, flood protection is a large component of climate adaptation a ...
Spatial design integrates social, cultural, economic, and political perspectives with natural site conditions and man-made construction to plan for sustainable urban development. The current flood-risk-related challenges induced by climate change place pressure on designing citie ...