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D. Wüthrich

63 records found

Dam-break waves are highly unsteady long-wave phenomena, characterized by a breaking front with a strong recirculating air–water mixture. While the air–water flow properties of steady flows have often been investigated, the understanding of dynamic processes in unsteady multiphas ...
The Authors thank the Discussers for their interest in the abrupt drop hydraulic jump study. The Discussers provided constructive comments on two aspects of this study, namely, the characterization of the bottom roller dynamics, and a design modification for the bottom-drop or ne ...
Knowledge of plastic debris transport mechanism in open waters and its interaction with hydraulic structures (i.e. accumulation and clogging) is of paramount importance for effective waste-removal strategies and sustainable management of plastic debris. To the author’s best knowl ...
This paper presents a dataset documenting 71 floating debris accumulations at bridges following an extreme hydrological event that hit Belgium and Germany in July 2021. Data were collected from various sources including public authorities’ documents, public online databases, post ...
"Plastic pollution is a threat for all ecosystems due to its effects on people, animals, and environment. Rivers are estimated to transport around 0.5 millions tons of plastic per year. When plastic enters a river system, it is transported downstream towards the sea but it is als ...
Follett et al. (2020a, developed an analytical model to predict backwater rise by log jams, using the size and packing density of logs and the jam length, as well as river slope and bed roughness. We show that the model formulas can be rewrit ...
This study investigates the effect of driftwood on submerged culverts through scale experiments, focusing on their accumulation and the hydrodynamic processes occurring underneath. Examining temporal evolution and velocity measurements, this research delves into the implications ...

Spatial Design Thinking in Coastal Defence Systems

Overtopping Dikes in Southend-On-Sea

Coastal dikes have been built for millennia to protect inhabited lands from exceptional high tides and storm events. Currently, many European countries are developing specific programs to integrate the construction of new dikes (or the raising of existing ones) into the built env ...
During the European flood of 2021, large debris accumulations were observed at numerous bridges, causing backwater rise, increased upstream flooding, and extended damage. To date, debris accumulation studies mainly focused on debris consisting of logs, at bridge piers or debris r ...
The July 2021 flood heavily affected many inhabitants, buildings and critical infrastructure throughout Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. Specifically, the Ahr Valley (Germany) showcased the destructive power associated with these extreme events. Hence, this region was the fo ...
The crest level of seawalls is often based on estimates of the amount of wave overtopping. Methods to estimate the mean overtopping discharge have been provided in several guidelines. One of the important parameters affecting wave overtopping is the wind. However, the effects of ...
In high dam construction projects in China, stilling basin design with an abrupt bottom drop is sometimes introduced to reduce the bottom velocity and pressure loads by generating A-type hydraulic jumps. Although the stilling basin design is not new, A-type hydraulic jumps have n ...
Continuing from the part 1 (Shi et al., 2022) this paper presents an experimental investigation of transient void fraction and bubble statistics in a highly turbulent breaking bore with Fr1=2.4. The measurements were conducted using a combination of dual-tip phase-dete ...
Wave transmission at low-crested coastal structures has been studied, based on physical model tests with trapezoidal impermeable, permeable and perforated structures. The differences between wave transmission at impermeable and permeable structures are relatively limited. For a p ...

Deliverable D.T. 4.1.1

Data collection, modelling and prediction

In July 2021, extreme flooding occurred in Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany, causing over 30 billion euro of damage. Numerous river structures were blocked by floating debris, increasing upstream water levels and thereby the extent of flooding. Moreover, debris accumulation f ...
This experimental study investigated the air-water flow properties and bubble characteristics in hydraulic jumps with Froude numbers Fr1 = 2.4 and 6.3, using four dual-tip phase detection probes with sensor sizes from 0.25 mm to 0.64 mm. The hydraulic jumps were charac ...
Venice is representative of the result of anthropocene acts on a vulnerable delta system. Therefore it is an excellent study case for a multidisciplinary team of TU students and tutors, to perform interdisciplinary research and design. Two visions were developed on the shared kno ...