L.M. Stancanelli

20 records found


Recent policy initiatives in Europe emphasize a movement towards nature-based solutions in flood management; however, a quantitative relationship between specific flood management measures and indicators of ecological health and biodiversity is difficult to establish (Penning et ...
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are actions that harness nature to help address major societal challenges. The assessment frameworks for NbS proposed in the literature differ in scope and intended use. In 2020, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) introduced the ...
This study explores the application of a wall-attached ferrofluid film to decrease skin-friction drag in turbulent channel flow. We conduct experiments using water as a working fluid in a turbulent channel flow set-up, where one wall is coated with a ferrofluid layer held in plac ...

Probabilistic characterizations of flood hazards in deltas

Application to Hoek van Holland (Netherlands)

Coastal flooding events pose a critical risk in delta areas, since they are characterized by population growth and urban expansion. A better understanding of Extreme Water Levels (EWLs), the mechanisms generating them, and their components, i.e., astronomical tide and storm su ...

Plastic pollution is a threat for all ecosystems due to its effects on people, animals, and environment (Mai et al., 2020). Rivers are estimated to transport around 0.5 millions tons of plastic per year (Strokal et al., 2023). When plastic enters a river system, it is transported ...
River restoration is an established method for the rehabilitation of river ecosystems in order to combat the current declines of freshwater biodiversity (Wohl et al., 2005; WWF, 2022). The urgency of restoration is recognized internationally, as the IUCN has proclaimed 2021-2030 ...

An innovative technique based on the use of environmental DNA was proposed by Ficetola et al. (2008) for performing biodiversity assessment. Applications of this technique in rivers are still scarce, due to the limited knowledge on the dynamics of eDNA traces. Here, using the ...

In the race to curb energy and oil consumption, zeroing of wall frictional forces is highly desirable. The turbulent skin friction drag at the solid/liquid interface is responsible for substantial energy losses when conveying liquids through hydraulic networks, contributing ap ...

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) published their Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in an effort to further a common understanding and successful application of NbS. Our objective is to analyse the applicability of and considerations and adv ...
A monitoring technique capable of assessing the status of an aquatic ecosystem is needed for reversing negative trends in river biodiversity. Recently, an innovative technique for detecting the degree of biodiversity based on environmental DNA traces (mucus, shed skins etc.) has ...

The dynamics of gravity currents propagating beneath intermediate water waves is investigated in the present study. Laboratory experiments were carried out in a wave flume, in which saltwater was released into freshwater by means of a point-release setup in the presence of a f ...

Wave overtopping at near-vertical seawalls

Influence of foreshore evolution during storms

This work presents the results of an investigation on how wave overtopping at a near-vertical seawall at the back of a sandy foreshore is influenced by sequences of erosive storms. The experiments were carried out in the Large Wave Flume (GWK) at Leibniz University, Hannover ( ...

Archaeological sites are extremely vulnerable to the impacts of weather-related events, which may lead to irreparable damages to cultural heritage. Here an assessment of the debris-flow hazard for the UNESCO site of Roman Villa del Casale (Italy) is carried out, through a combina ...


The Connectivity Framework as a Tool to plan Nature Restoration Measures

A graph-theory approach to assess aquatic habitat connectivity of the Sliedrechtse Biesbosch

This study assesses the application of graph theory to examine the connectivity of aquatic habitat in the Sliedrechtse Biesbosch and preserve or improve the area’s ecological value. The study addresses the relation between hydrodynamics and ecology, and evaluates different defini ...
Implemented in river landscapes, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) have the potential to reduce flood risk, while also playing an important role in restoring many of the ecosystem services that are lost as result of human interventions and global warming. A barrier to succesfull imple ...
The Rhine-Meuse delta is characterized by the presence of many scour holes. Koopmans (2017) showed that these scour holes have very different growth rates, even if they are located within the same river branch. Most likely this is caused by either the heterogeneous subsoil, the p ...
A dam-break wave can result in considerable damages and casualties. Events that can lead to such waves include dike and dam breaches, storm surges and impulse waves. Dutch history is familiar with a number of coastal dike breaches but also river dike breaches have occurred, resul ...