
20 records found

From Best Practices to Next Practices

Project-based learning in the development of large infrastructure

Over the last decades of development of knowledge management and organizational learning, there has been an increase in learning research within and across projects. Learning from past lessons in projects and preparing for the next project management practices is very important i ...

Early Supplier Involvement (ESI) in Dutch infrastructure projects

An exploratory study to identify the current status of the Dutch infrastructure sector in terms of early supplier involvement

Early supplier involvement (ESI) can be defined as a mechanism for involving preferred suppliers in the early phases of product design and development. The concept of ESI is frequently mentioned in the context of New Product Development (NPD) and has been in existence for over ha ...

Unobstructed Constructed

Developing a supporting tool for municipalities to stimulate the implementation of smart solutions in construction logistics in civil structure projects

Nowadays, a worldwide urbanisation trend can be observed. In the Netherlands, it is expected that the population of the four largest cities will be increased with an average of 15% in 2030. In total, these four big cities will accommodate a third of the Dutch population in 2030 ( ...

Towards proactive decision-making for sustainability in the construction industry

An application to project delivery of urban utility infrastructure systems

An increasing awareness of sustainability problems urges the need for more sustainable practices within the infrastructure industry. Organisations actively engage sustainability in strategic missions and objectives. However, how these visions translate proactively to the tactica ...

Influence of Stakeholders on urban quay walls

Determining the resistance using a Construction & Stakeholder matrix

When a quay wall does not meet the safety requirements it has to be replaced by a new quay wall. During the entire replacement project many stakeholders are affected. This can lead to resistance against the project. Resistance can be expected when the interests of the stakeholder ...

The effect of empathy in collaboration on project performance

Steering on empathy to improve project performance through client-contractor collaboration in the first phase of the two-phase model

Construction projects have become increasingly complex, requiring effective management strategies to navigate challenges related to project contexts, interdisciplinary integration, and procurement processes. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Rijkswatersta ...

Key Lead Indicators

An explorative research on improving the performance of large inner-city rail infrastructure projects across Europe

Despite of extensive and systematic usage of ‘Lag’ type of performance metrics, Large Infrastructure Projects (LIPs) often struggle in achieving the intended performance and frequently tend to be overbudget & delivered late. This research investigates Key ‘Lead’ Indicators (KLIs) ...

Change towards a Circular Economy: eliminating inertia in supply chains

A concrete case of stony materials supply chain in the Netherlands

Current linear economic model entails coupling of economic growth with resource constraints and degradation of the Earth. In order to combat these negative aspects and to ensure prosperous and sustainable future, a new economic approach is emerging - Circular Economy. Besides neu ...

The core interaction of a circular construction platform

How can a digital market platform address the construction market for secondary materials?

The Netherlands aims to have a fully circular economy by 2050. The construction sector in the Netherlands is only 8% circular (Circularity Gap Report Bouw, 2022). Reuse within construction projects presents various challenges, which will be discussed in this thesis. In the curren ...

Ecosystem Service Hubs Under the Microscope

An explorative study on the added value of urban open spaces

The undeniable benefits of urban open spaces, such as parks and urban forests, has triggered a steady increase in “natural capital” demands. Nevertheless, the uncertainties surrounding open spaces and ecosystem services jeopardize their consideration in public decision making. Ce ...

Windows for Circularity

An analysis to identify circular interventions in the different stages of the design process of an office building

2020 is a strange and disruptive year. The pandemic virus COVID-19 controls people’s lives. It influences the way we live, love, and work. Offices are empty while people work from home. When, and if people are going to work in an office again like they were used to, is the questi ...

Bridging the Dutch Infrastructure Gap

On the involvement of pension funds in Dutch mobility infrastructure projects

The infrastructure gap is defined as the gap between investment requirements of infrastructure and the public funds available. Due to these gaps, not enough new infrastructure is developed and this puts a constraint on economic growth. This study looks at the impact that pension ...

Stimulating Early Warning Responses

A Qualitative Study on Dutch Infrastructure Construction Projects

Despite large scale application of performance- and risk management practices, project organisations struggle with responding adequately to early warning signs of project problems. This research investigates the main barriers in responding to early warning signs, and provides rec ...

Adopting circular innovative technologies in the construction supply chain of the MRA

Supply Chain through the lenses of the service dominant logic’s foundational premises

The construction sector is one of the biggest consumers of raw materials and generates large amounts of construction waste as well. CE is a way to delink the construction sector from the consumption of finite resources of the earth and excessive waste generation. Despite of the f ...
Climate change is likely to affect our infrastructures in the Netherlands and seems to accelerate: sooner, faster, stronger. This stresses the need for adaptable infrastructure. Asset owners cannot assume a certain final situation of the infrastructure and the impacts on it due t ...

Risk Allocation in DBFM Projects

Providing Practical Guidance in the Risk Allocation Process of DBFM Projects

The risk allocation in DBFM projects is currently a hot topic, whereby multiple contractors have withdrawn from the procurement of these projects. This research provides a practical guidance in the risk allocation process of DBFM projects, consisting of design principles of liter ...

Project Management for Sustainability

Use of Critical Success Factors in an Integrated Project Management Model to Improve the Chances of Project Success of a Sustainability Oriented Highway Project during the Exploration and Planning Phase

Sustainability within Project Management practice is a new and challenging territory. The current project management practice within the construction industry, particularly highway construction has not yet fully embraced sustainability. Recent literature shows a relation between ...

Knowledge sharing in agile projects

Exploring knowledge sharing patterns in agile projects around Philips Research context

The paring of knowledge sharing and agile methodology has been explained by some researchers (Dissanayake, Dantu, & Nerur, 2013), most emphasize that the knowledge sharing enablers embedded in the agile methods (Dissanayake et al., 2013), seldom researches explain agile-induced k ...
In infrastructure construction projects, stakeholder alignment is an important factor that contributes to project success and prevents excessive delays. Literature shows that it is known how to align stakeholders and what to do, however, when to carry out those actions, it not ye ...

Elevating decision-making for maintaining inner-city quay walls

A conceptual decision-making model for implementing intervention measures

It is no secret that (asset)managers are currently dealing with a difficult task to maintain and improve the quality of their assets. The main reason for this urgency is the change of use and the end of lifespan of these assets. This is especially the case regarding the inner-cit ...