
20 records found

Hemelwaterafvoer in een veranderend klimaat

Gevolgen voor de norm in 2050

The standard NEN 3215 contains a certain rain intensity for the rainwater drainage from roofs. By making use of the rainfall predictions for 2050, the consequences of this new intensity for the standard are analysed. Based on this analysis, a change of this rain intensity in NEN ...

Efficiency of new high capacity self-stabilising modules in mid-rise residential buildings

A contribution in the transition to a sustainable way of construction

The aim of this thesis is to investigate and quantify the efficiency of high capacity self-stabilising modules in mid-rise residential buildings. These modules have a higher stabilising capacity than modules that are currently being used in the Netherlands and other countries and ...

Structural Optimization of Stiffened Plates

Application on an Orthotropic Steel Bridge Deck

The orthotropic steel deck (OSD) is a deck system applied regularly in steel bridges all around the world. It consists of a steel deck plate which is stiffened by structural elements placed in two orthogonal directions. The deck plate can be used as an integral part of the struct ...

Environmental Impact of the Structural System of High-Rise Buildings in the Netherlands

A research of the influence of the structural systems of high-rise buildings on their environmental impact, by means of Life-Cycle Assessment

Among the current targets of the building sector, one major goal is to maximize the resource efficiency (in terms of material use and in terms of energy used to produce the buildings); furthermore, the circular economy model aims for maximizing the reuse of the structural element ...

The core interaction of a circular construction platform

How can a digital market platform address the construction market for secondary materials?

The Netherlands aims to have a fully circular economy by 2050. The construction sector in the Netherlands is only 8% circular (Circularity Gap Report Bouw, 2022). Reuse within construction projects presents various challenges, which will be discussed in this thesis. In the curren ...

The fire safety of car parks

Focussing on structural damage

A study on the fire safety concepts used in car parks. To asses the possible damage as a result of a fire, case studies were performed and changes in the car industry were analysed. The new type of fuel systems have resulted in new risks, which are not yet covered in the current ...

Shear Strengthening of Prestressed Concrete I-Girders

Using Externally Bonded Carbon-Fibre Reinforced Polymers

The innovative shear strengthening method using externally bonded CFRP reinforcement to strengthen prestressed concrete I-girders has been investigated in this thesis. These girders potentially have insufficient shear capacity because of the combination of thin webs and insuffici ...

Timber-glass shear wall stabilised timber modules

Application of a timber-glass shear wall as stabilising element in a mid-rise modular timber building

Currently, most of the modular building can be fabricated off-site, except for the stability system. Therefore, the question arises: Could modules be designed such that there is no need for an additional stability system? As modules are typically built in a rectangular shape, inc ...

The Use of Timber in a Temporary Multi-storey Car Park

Proof of Concept for a Structural System for a Temporary Multi-storey Car Park

Problem definition: In the car park industry, a new trend has emerged, shifting the demand for parking from permanent one-of-a-kind parking structures towards temporary modular structures (Drenth, 2020). Meanwhile, the building industry faces a transition into a more sustainable ...

Practical Engineering Design Tool for Vibration Sensitive Laboratory Building Structures

Development of a practical design tool based on a scientific model for an early design of vibration sensitive laboratory building structures excited by traffic induced vibrations for use in engineering practice

The prediction of structural vibrations in vibration sensitive laboratory structures is a complex problem involving computationally heavy 3D models with long computational times. However, in the early design phases of a project long computational times are undesirable. Therefore ...

Circular building foundations

A structural exploration of the possibilities for making building foundations contribute to a circular economy

This research investigated how traditional foundations of buildings can become circular and thus contribute to a circular economy. The current linear take-make-dispose economy results in waste, exhaustion of finite natural resources and environmental degradation. A circular econo ...

Design of a multi-use, demountable, timber arena

A research in re-usable timber structures

The goal of this thesis is to research multi-purpose, re-usable timber structures as a step towards sustainable construction. To reach it, the work was divided into four parts. The project starts with an introduction explaining the motivations behind this work. It continues by g ...

Assessment of Existing Slender Masonry Walls beyond the Scope of the EN 1996 Norm

Numerically Based Analytical Solution to determine the Capacity under combined Vertical and Lateral Loading

In the last decade, maintenance and adaptive reuse, of the existing building stock, have gained ground in the construction sector. For the adaptive reuse of a building, it is required to analyze, meticulously, the existing structure. Unreinforced masonry structures are indicative ...

An Eco-Effective Structure

A qualitative approach into eco-effective structural design perspectives, criteria, and strategies both in theory as in practice

Globally the construction is a major contributor to the severity of the anthropogenic environmental impact. The sector emits 39% of the global CO2 and is responsible of 40-50% of material flows. The focus of reducing the environmental impact in buildings is, in the past, mostly a ...

Detaillering langsnaden van breedplaatvloeren met vierzijdige krachtsafdracht bij nieuwbouw

Een onderzoek naar de methodes die door verschillende partijen in de bouw op dit moment worden toegepast in de detaillering van plaatnaden in breedplaatvloeren onder invloed van een positief moment bij nieuwbouw en hoe deze methodes onderbouwd worden.

Uit onderzoek naar de ingestorte parkeergarage bij Eindhoven Airport in 2017 blijkt dat het tot die tijd gebruikelijke detail voor voegen in breedplaatvloeren met krachtsafdracht in twee richtingen onder invloed van een positief buigend moment niet goed werd ontworpen en uitgevoe ...

Reusability of viaduct girders

Classifying a range of applications for reuse of existing concrete viaducts girders

We are currently facing a transition of economy. Previous years were focused on a linear economy, consisting of the make-waste concept. The products that are made with raw materials are thrown away after its use. Unfortunately the Earth does not contain an unlimited source of mat ...

Circular façades

Investigatig the design and assessment of circular façades

A transition towards a circular economy is proposed by initiators like the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and architect Thomas Rau, in order to preserve and enhance natural capital, optimise resource yields, and minimise system risks. A circular economy seeks to ultimately decouple g ...

Shadow cost optimization of the main bearing construction of industrial halls

Development of an optimization methodology for industrial halls that combines shadow price data with a structural parametric model and generative design

The purpose of this thesis is to determine the most optimal material use and configuration of structural elements with regard to minimizing shadow costs associated with the main bearing construction of industrial halls. Central themes in thesis are reusability, parametric modelli ...

Structural consolidation of historic monuments by interlocking cast glass components

A computational analysis of interlocking cast glass brickwork

The search for a transparent, reversible, and reusable consolidation system for monuments led to the ambition to test possible cast glass interlocking brick designs using numerical calculations. The focus of this research is hence the design, simulation and evaluation of a possib ...

Economic Feasibility of Reusing Structural Components

“How to quantitatively assess the economic feasibility of reusing structural components from existing buildings into new construction?”

The Netherlands has the vision to be completely circular by 2050 cutting its raw material consumption to half by 2030. To reduce the raw material consumption, materials in use must be reused and nothing should be wasted. However, the construction industry is far from reaching thi ...