
J.G. de Gijt

70 records found

In this chapter we will discuss the practices and methods of responsible innovation in the hydraulic engineering sector, in which we investigate the values involved and how these values are dealt with. In particular, we will concentrate on the RAMSSHEEP concept – with RAMSSHEEP b ...
In the current study, we examine the Indonesian government's watershed management program, which was established in 2001. In 2005, the Coordination Team for Rescue of Water Resources (CTRWR) was established to execute the program on a national level. However, at the time, field i ...
The design of new and assessment of existing quay walls is subject to large uncertainties. Dealing with these uncertainties is a crucial part of the engineering process. The way uncertainties are addressed has a large impact on construction and maintenance costs and on the reliab ...
This paper present several cases in the Port of Rotterdam where both in the design and construction phase several different did not marched as expected. These cases are interesting for both the design as well the construction phase of a project. People will make mistakes however ...
Structures, such as quay walls, have to meet a particular level of safety. Consequently, in the Eurocode standards, three reliability classes are distinguished, each corresponding to a target reliability index and set of partial factors. In this study, more insight is acquired in ...
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is an important component in flood inundation modelling as a part of flood risk analysis. However, Digital Surface Model (DSM) which still contains noises of artefacts is more common to be available than DEM. Then DSM misleads the inundation extent. ...
Voordat een kademuur daad­werkelijk wordt hersteld, kan er wel vijf jaar overheen gaan. Vooral door weerstand van belanghebbenden. Daar­om is het nuttig die weer­stand van tevoren te kunnen inschatten om tijdig hierop in te spelen. De Construct & Stakeholder-matrix voorziet hieri ...
As a result of the persistent increase of container vessel dimensions, future problems regarding navigation draught in the presence of tunnels are becoming more likely to occur. Hence, possible solutions to this problem have been investigated for the Beneluxtunnel. Several design ...
Sluices have been built worldwide since in 984 when the first sluice was built in China to speed up the operations in the Grand canal. Since that time different types of sluices have been developed world wide both in size and material use and their own shipping and structural cha ...
The stability of any structure is an important aspect in civil engineering. This aspect is the subject of the researched quay wall at the Amazonehaven, port of Rotterdam. The quay wall with a relieving platform structure had in various section, over the entire 900m length of the ...
General risk management standard, e.g. ISO 31000:2009, approaches risk as a coin with a pair of two sides, i.e. the threat and the opportunity. However, it is hardly the case of flood events which mainly come as threats. Despite the contrary, this study explores the potential app ...
The settlement of soil layers on embedded anchor rods may lead to an increased axial load in the rod. The common method of evaluating stresses in anchor rods, according to the Dutch Sheet Piling handbook, better known as CUR 166, implicitly assumes a number of simplifications and ...
The rapid development in containership dimensions creates a huge challenge for ports. But for one port basin in Rotterdam this challenge was too big. The nautical restrictions for the Amazonehaven would start at such moderate conditions that the basin would be closed for Ultra La ...
Liquefaction induced by earthquakes has shown to have potential devastating influence on seismic performance of anchored quay walls. Therefore, measures to mitigate liquefaction are commonly part of the design of quay walls in
seismically active regions. Such mitigation measu ...
Conventional seismic designs of quay walls in ports are mostly based on pseudo-static analysis. A more advanced alternative is the Performance-Based Design (PBD) method, which evaluates permanent deformations and amounts of (repairable) damage under seismic loading. The aim of th ...
The rapid development in containership dimensions creates a huge challenge for ports. But for one port basin in Rotterdam this challenge was too big. The nautical restrictions for the Amazonehaven would start at such moderate conditions that the basin would be closed for ultra la ...