Ciclo Sampa

A generalised bicycle network design applied to Sao Paulo

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Nowadays the city of São Paulo has to deal with a lot of traffic jams. Extending the road network is no option and the public transport network cannot keep up with the capacity either. A solution must be found in another type of transport: cycling. The current bicycle infrastructure is not sufficient in terms of connectivity. In this research, a standardised bicycle network is developed for a part of the city, which can be used during future bicycle expansion projects in São Paulo. The development of the bicycle infrastructure concerns the whole city of São Paulo, resulting in a lot of interests being affected. The people behind these interests, the stakeholders, can have an influence over the project decisions, but do usually have conflicting interests. Therefore, these stakeholders are identified and analysed, through literature review and semi-structured interviews. In this case however, most stakeholders did not seem to experience any conflicts. The biggest problem in the development of the bicycle network, is that the stakeholders all work towards the same goal, but do now cooperate towards that goal. Cooperation between multiple stakeholders would result in more power, meaning they could makemore of an impact together. Most of the stakeholder‘s expectations could be met in this case, resulting in a satisfying design for most people. As a result of literature review and the performed interviews, a list of requirements is developed as a basis for the rest of the design of the bicycle network. The conclusion was made that not only a sufficient network needed to be designed, but that incentives for use were also needed. Therefore, the list of requirements is divided into three categories: infrastructure network, incentives for use and long-term guidelines and recommendations. The rest of the standardised design is based on the list of requirements. According to the requirement list, the new cycling network has been designed by greedy algorithm. The new plan can achieve 99.51%inhabitants with 320 metres of the walking distance. And it requires a new bridge for only cyclists and pedestrians’ use to cross Pinheiros River. Due to the demand of a bridge, a structural design is required. A literature review was performed, investigating the existing situation regarding the infrastructure. In the literature study, the different bridge types with their pro’s and con’s are described. Based on the existing situation and the literature study, a sound bicycle and pedestrian bridge design is designed. In this situation, for the standardised bridge, an arch bridge is the best choice. The standardised design allows for an efficient and fast design and execution process. This design process is obtained by using a parametric design in Rhinoceros and Grasshopper, so the design of the bridge can be used for multiple spans.