L.J.M. Houben
149 records found
Generally, joint performance in concrete pavements is evaluated in laboratory by applying dynamic loads that require large scale experimental setups. In order to propose a simplified laboratory test, a comprehensive literary review of the fundamentals of load transfer at joints i
Unlike the notched specimens for conventional concrete fracture tests, this paper introduces a deformation-controlled uniaxial tensile test on an un-notched specimen. The surface of the dog bone-shaped specimen is a second order parabolic curve, and the gradual change in the spec
Electrokinetic treatment of clay soil
A baseline case study introduction
Although electrokinetic phenomena were relatively recently discovered, they have come a long way and even dominate certain sectors. However, they have rarely been utilized in the discipline of civil engineering. While the limited civil engineering applications are accompanied by
Aggregate interlock is the dominant load transfer mechanism in non-dowelled Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements, as the innovative short concrete slabs. Although the Load Transfer Efficiency of this pavement innovation is based on that mechanism, the structural design methods do not
Pavements are one of the largest assets of a city and their functional condition (ride quality) is priority for their clients. In jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCPs), the presence of joint faulting (JF) reduces the ride quality. Today, short slabs are available as a cost-eff
Prediction of the temperature development at an early age is a good starting point to assess the development of the restrained thermal stress and thermal cracking in rigid pavements. This paper presents a numerical early age concrete pavement temperature prediction model. It enab
Curling and warping of jointed plain-concrete road pavements are not only unfavourable from the structural point of view but also from a functional perspective because road users can perceive different ride qualities during the day due to changes in slab curvature. The use of sho
Doorgaand gewapende betonverhardingen (DGB) worden met name in België frequent toegepast bij de (re)constructie van zwaarbelaste wegen zoals autosnelwegen. Bij dit type betonverhardingen worden geen dwarsvoegen toegepast om de scheurvorming te beheersen maar een krimpwapening die
Voor bij zowel rijstrook- als rijbaanbreed onderhoud aan Zeer Open AsfaltBeton (ZOAB) worden door aannemers steeds vaker zogenaamde naadbeschermers toegepast om vroegtijdige schade aan langsnaden in de garantie periode van 7 jaar te voorkomen. Meestal worden bitumineuze strips aa
Doorgaand gewapende betonverhardingen (DGB) worden met name in België frequent toegepast bij de (re)constructie van zwaarbelaste wegen zoals autosnelwegen. Bij dit type betonverhardingen worden geen dwarsvoegen toegepast om de scheurvorming te beheersen maar een krimpwapening die
During the construction of Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements (JPCPs) in Chile, it was observed that joints remained uncracked. The objectives of this paper are to evaluate the effects of uncracked joints (UnCrJ) in JPCPs and to propose possible solutions or improvements to avoid o
Functional thresholds for designmaintenance of urban pavements
Functional criteria for sustainable design of urban pavements
Functional criteria have been mostly defined in urban pavements using subjective methods, rather than by means of objective and repeatable procedures. The Whole
Body Vibration, the Heart Rate Variability, and new technologies to determine the
IRI (International Roughness Index),
In dit rapport wordt verslag gedaan van een onderzoek ter beantwoording van de vraag of een laag Vario‐tree boxen, al dan niet op een geotextiel of een geogrid, kan dienen als vervanging van een wegfundering of onderfundering (Engels: sub base, Nederlands: onderfundering of zandb
In dit rapport is op verzoek van HTW vanuit wegbouwkundig oogpunt octrooi van EP 1 311 727 (hierna EP 727) beoordeeld. Daarnaast is de productinformatie van drie typen kunststof drainage boxen (Atlantis, Permavoid en Vario Box) beoordeeld op de mate waarin zij aansluiten bij deze