C.B.M. Blom


3 records found

Spalling Mechanism

Key for Structural Fire Resistance of Tunnels

The need to consider tunnel safety, especially with respect to fire, has been highlighted in the past by various severe tunnel fires that have occurred throughout Europe. This article provides a general overview of the current rules and regulations governing the fire resistance d ...

Spatmechanisme bepalend voor brandveiligheid tunnels

Ontwikkeling EEM-spatmodel voor spatgedrag beton in tunnels in kader van promotieonderzoek

In een promotieonderzoek aan de TU Delft naar het spatgedrag van beton onder brand is een EEMmodel afgeleid dat zowel poriedrukken als thermische spanningen beschrijft. Dankzij deze gekoppelde benadering is dit model een waardevolle aanvulling op de huidige praktijk van brandveil ...

Spatmechanisme bepalend voor brandveiligheid tunnels

Ontwikkeling EEM-spatmodel voor spatgedrag beton in tunnels in kader van promotieonderzoek

In een promotieonderzoek aan de TU Delft naar het spatgedrag van beton onder brand is een EEMmodel afgeleid dat zowel poriedrukken als thermische spanningen beschrijft. Dankzij deze gekoppelde benadering is dit model een waardevolle aanvulling op de huidige praktijk van brandveil ...


17 records found

Underwater concrete floors: improving design efficiency

A parametric approach to studying the impact of design parameters and the benefits of fibre reinforcement

In the construction of subsoil structures, a common challenge is the presence of a high groundwater level in combination with the absence of a naturally impermeable layer or an environment susceptible to settlements due to lowering the groundwater level. To overcome this issue, a ...

Developing a traffic load model for bridges based on registered license plates

Verifying structural reliability of existing structures by using Monte Carlo simulations with a load model based on license plates

New and existing bridges in the Netherlands must abide by structural safety codes, such as the Eurocode. In this code, structural safety is expressed through the reliability index 훽. For certain reference periods a threshold value for 훽 exists. When applying prescribed load model ...
During construction in urban areas often noise and vibrations are not tolerated. For the installation of the foundation piles in these cases there is often chosen for screwed displacement piles. These piles can be installed without nuisance for the vicinity, but do induce large s ...
Areas are getting more and more populated causing new infrastructure lines to be constructed below the surface. A bored tunnel is one of the possibilities to create this subsurface infrastructure, but the construction process of a bored tunnel is a complicated one. Many loads and ...
Compressive membrane action is a phenomenon commonly found in reinforced concrete structures after significant cracking and deformation have taken place. In this thesis report, the potential benefit of CMA in immersed tubes subjected to fires is quantified through a finite elemen ...

Shear behaviour of tunnels subjected to fire

A numerical analysis of the Heinenoordtunnel

Recently experiments were conducted at the Technical University of Delft on the size effect of concrete. The size effect is a term used for the relative decrease in shear capacity with an increase in height of the structural member. The beams observed in the experiment failed muc ...
Het Noordzeekanaal verbindt de Haven van Amsterdam met de Noordzee via het sluizencomplex van IJmuiden. In de huidige situatie is de Noordersluis maatgevend voor de maximale diepgang van de scheepvaart op het Noordzeekanaal. Met de geplande realisatie van Zeesluis IJmuiden begin ...

Accelerated corrosion test simulation

Lattice model vs. continuum model

A series of accelerated corrosion tests were done by SGS INTRON (commenced by Combinatie Aanpak Maastunnel, constructor of the Maastunnel project) to investigate for a proper repair material for the deteriorated concrete floor in the Maastunnel at Rotterdam. Five types of fiber r ...
Watertightness and leakage prevention is crucial in every tunnel joint design. Immersed tunnels have been utilizing the Gina-Omega gasket solution since the 1960s to prevent leakage from occurring. However, after almost 50 years of service life, leakages were detected in the imme ...
Strain Hardening Cementitious Composite (SHCC) is a new type of concrete that is able to control the crack-width in concrete structures. The application of this material in the tension zone of hybrid concrete structures is thus of interest in practice. The interfacial behavior fo ...
Underground infrastructures and the importance of the people’s safety and structures robustness are relevant and contemporary issues in the civil engineering industry. The demand for this infrastructural typology has developed to such an extent that the need for a better and cost ...
Starting from the late eighties induced seismic activity is present in the Northern part of the Netherlands. Cause of these earthquakes is the extraction of natural gas. In this region, most of the building stock comprises out of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings. Multiple exp ...
Conventional building methods are still based on the reinforced concrete industry. In the last decades, timber has become more popular because it could be a more sustainable alternative. However, pure timber is not always an option, especially when slender design is required by t ...
A parking garage of Eindhoven airport partially collapsed in 2017. It was caused by failure of the longitudinal joint (long-side) of the composite plank floor or breedplaatvloer on the roof level. Experimental and numerical research showed that the joint suffered high positive be ...
The hyperloop system is a new transportation mode, which consists a magnetic levitating capsule-like hyperloop pod and a vacuum tube. Due to small air hindrance, the hyperloop pod is conceived to have a maximum speed of 333 m/s. If such a hyperloop system is to be built undergrou ...
Existing reinforced concrete (RC) structures can be strengthened using Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites (SHCC). The ability of SHCC in exhibiting a ductile response under tensile load due to strain­-hardening after crack initiation makes it a viable material to be used in ...
It has been reported that due to the rapid urbanization and economic growth the municipal solid waste (MSW) would double in volume from 1.3 billion tons per year (in 2012) annually by the end of 2025, challenging environmental and public health management worldwide. Given that, m ...