M. Veljkovic
120 records found
Acoustic emission (AE) is widely used for identifying source mechanisms and the deformation stage of steel material. The effectiveness of this non-destructive monitoring technique heavily depends on the quality of the measured AE signals. However, the AE signals from deformation
The welding process induces residual stresses because of the non-uniform heating and cooling of the material. Residual stresses are known to influence fatigue crack growth. However, studies addressing both the formation of residual stress – giving a realistic multi-directional st
Steel Orthotropic Bridge Decks (OBDs) are widely used in long-span and movable bridges. Fatigue resistance analysis plays an important role in the design or assessment of OBDs. One possible fatigue failure is the crack initiating from the weld root of stiffener-to-deck plate conn
Fatigue cracks in the stiffener-to-deck plate connections of orthotropic bridge decks, initiating from the weld toe or root and propagating into the stiffener or weld throat, are experimentally and numerically studied. A statistical analysis of the structural stress is carried ou
Steel Orthotropic Bridge Decks (OBDs) are widely used in the superstructures of movable and long-span bridges. There is a high concentration of stress at many welded connections, which are governing the fatigue performance of OBDs. The fatigue behaviour of the lower end of weld i
The flexural behaviour of two types of asymmetric bolted square hollow section (SHS) splices is investigated in this paper. The asymmetric bolted SHS splices are derived from the traditional bolted end plate SHS joints but with the end plate flushed to the SHS surface on one side
The acoustic emission (AE) technique is commonly utilized for identifying source mechanisms and material damage. In applications requiring numerous sensors and limited detection areas, achieving significant cost savings, weight reduction, and miniaturization of AE sensors is cruc
To monitor the growth of fatigue cracks in steel specimens, several methods exists. In this paper, the magnetic stray field, which is generated by the magnetisation of the specimen, was measured during loading to investigate how to utilise this data to reliably monitor fatigue cr
Bolted connections are one of the key connection configurations in steel structures. The ductile fracture prediction is one of the challenges in the structural integrity evaluating of steel structures. To guarantee the safety of steel bridge in connections, an accurate assessment
In this paper, a numerical simulation method of mixed-mode fatigue crack propagation was explored using the extended finite element method (XFEM) and the Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT). Both 2D and 3D numerical models were selected to simulate the fatigue crack propagatio
Hole patterns are common in engineering design for connections and/or assembly purposes. Geometrical discontinuities can cause stress concentration in localized areas, making them more prone to fatigue crack initiation and influencing the fatigue life of the overall unit. In the
In traditional end plate column splices, bolts are placed double symmetrically on the four sides of square hollow sections (SHS). In order to reduce the required gap between the façade and the column, the end plate could be flushed on one or two sides of SHS for the column along
The performance of the Acoustic Emission (AE) technique is significantly dependent on the sensors attached to the structural surface. Although conventional commercially AE sensors, like R15a and WSa sensors, have been extensively employed in monitoring many different structures,
High strength bolts are widely used in the engineering field due to their good compressive properties. Accurate assessment of the ultimate capacity performance of high strength bolts under combined loading is essential to ensure the safety of steel structures in the connection zo
This paper shows a part of the analysis of the development of the second generation of the C1 wedge connections for use in offshore wind turbine supporting towers. The novelty of this connection is that bolt failure is avoided under static and fatigue loads. This study aims to in
Welded joints are wildly used in the construction sector for fabrication of steel and aluminium structures. A welded joint is traditionally divided into three regions: The Base Material (BM), the Heat-Affected Zone (HAZ), and the Weld Material (WM). The mechanical behaviour of ea
A welded connection consists of three main material zones, the base material (BM), the heat-affect zone (HAZ), and the weld metal (WM). The strength of HAZ depends on the BM grade and manufacturing process, electrode grade, and welding parameters. Under certain conditions, HAZ ha
Bolted end plate connections are traditional solutions for splice joints with square hollow sections (SHS). A cover plate could be used on one side or two adjacent sides of SHS where the end plate is flushed, resulting in two types of asymmetric splice joints. The advantage of th
To investigate the fatigue performance and fatigue damage process of the Orthotropic Steel Deck (OSD) - Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) composite bridge deck, a two-span continuous full-scale specimen was designed and tested under cyclic loading. Test results showed that t
The overall competitiveness of offshore wind turbine towers is significantly influenced by the selection of the connection. The following three types of connections: a conventional bolted ring flange (RF) connection, ring flange connection with defined contact surfaces (RFD), and