
C. van der Veen


7 records found

Ruytenschildt Bridge

Field and laboratory testing

A large number of existing reinforced concrete solid slab bridges in the Netherlands are found to be insufficient for shear upon assessment. However, research has shown additional sources of capacity in slab bridges, increasing their total capacity. Previous testing was limited t ...
In 1997, the Second Stichtse Bridge was built in the Netherlands using the balanced cantilever method. The use of high-strength concrete was proposed. At that time, the long-term behaviour of this material was not known, and no code provisions were applicable. Therefore, it was p ...
A large number of bridges in the Netherlands have transversely post tensioned deck slabs cast in-situ between flanges of precast girders and were found to be critical in shear when evaluated by Eurocode 2. To investigate the bearing (punching shear) capacity of such bridges, a 1: ...
Most Dutch bridges were constructed around the middle of the twentieth century and considering the fact that traffic has increased exponentially since, it is important to find out if these bridges are still safe for use. Experiments on a 1:2 scale were carried out in the laborato ...
Proof load testing can be an interesting method to assess existing bridges for which analytical methods are unable to provide an accurate assessment. In a proof load test, a load representative of the factored live load is applied to the bridge. If the bridge can carry this load ...

Brand en de Eurocode 2

Toelichting aan de hand van een rekenvoorbeeld

Met de introductie van de Eurocodes verandert ook de manier waarop brandwerendheid van betonconstructies moet worden bepaald. Eurocode 2, deel 1-2, vervangt dan NEN 6071. In dit artikel worden enkele van de mogelijkheden getoond die Eurocode 2 biedt om aan te tonen dat de constru ...
In Anbetracht steigender Verkehrslasten und geringer angesetzter Tragfähigkeiten in den vor Kurzem eingeführten Eurocodes steht in den Niederlanden die Querkrafttragfähigkeit vieler bestehender Brücken mit Stahlbetonmassivdecke zur Debatte. In den Normvorschriften werden jedoch g ...


13 records found

Technical feasibility of a quick bridge replacement strategy with minimal traffic hindrance

On the retainment of existing foundations and the application of Advanced Cementitious Materials in an Accelerated Bridge Construction method

Bridges are a crucial part of the dense Dutch highway network. Almost 50% of the current bridges are built between 1960 and 1980 for an intended service life of 50 years and thus they might reach the end of their lifetime in the near future. This strongly indicates that a large c ...

Lange overspanningen in geprefabriceerd beton

Een onderzoek naar brugoplossingen om langere overspanningen, tot 100 meter, mogelijk te maken in geprefabriceerd beton

The Netherlands is a densely populated country with a congested road and railway network. Therefore more and more highways are widened and expanded. These wider highways create a demand for bridges which are suited for longer spans. These bridge solutions should constructed with ...
Old bridges in the Netherlands are reassessed to prove their structural safety because of the increased traffic loads. The Eurocode model for the shear capacity of prestressed concrete beams with sufficient shear reinforcement was found to be very conservative for small amounts o ...

Quickscan methode voor T-liggers

Verifieerbare, snelle aanpak voor controleren veiligheid T-liggerconstructies volgens huidige normen en inzichten

Vanuit Rijkswaterstaat is de wens om een snelle, verifieerbare methode te ontwikkelen voor het controleren van de veiligheid voor meerdere T-ligger constructies volgens huidige normen en inzichten. Hierbij dient rekening gehouden te worden met eventuele wijzigingen in de toekomst ...

Shear and torsion in a prestressed through railway bridge

A comparison between the analytical solution and SCIA

With the arrival of the Eurocode, the calculations regarding shear resistance, have become increasingly conservative compared to former concrete standards. For example in Voorschriften Beton 1974 (VB 74), a former concrete standard, a shear resistance combination of concrete, sti ...

Nieuwklap Bridge

Prediction of the failure mode under collapse testing and seismic evaluation

The actual shear capacity of existing reinforced concrete solid slab bridges, constructed before 1960 in the Netherlands, is subject of an extensive research nowadays, since additional sources, increasing the total shear capacity of concrete slabs, have been ascertained to be pre ...

Skewed slab highway bridges

A parametric study on the design of reinforced concrete, simply supported skewed slab highway bridges

In situations with spatial limitations where a bridge is desired, a skewed bridge is a solution. The bridge deck of a skewed bridge has the shape of a parallelogram, in which the angle that remains in the acute corners is defined as the skew angle. This thesis focuses on the desig ...

Quick Scan model municipal concrete slab bridges

With additional research to the alpha reduction factor and shear force transmission in slab bridges

In this thesis, existing concrete municipal slab bridges are regarded. Many of these bridges were designed and built in the 1960s and 1970s. These bridges are still in service, and subjected to higher and more frequent loads than at the time of design. This leads to uncertainties ...
Müller Verpress piles are driven displacement piles which inject grout at the enlarged tip of the pile into the surrounding soil. Performed full-scale tests were not able to be loaded the pile upon failure, as the pile can resist forces which are significantly larger than its des ...
Recycled granular materials such as Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) and Recycled Crushed Masonry (RCM) are widely used in The Netherlands as base layers in asphalt pavements. The lack of natural resources and the growing amounts of demolition waste made that the Dutch industrie ...
Most bridges in the Western European road networks are ageing. The vast majority of about 90% of these bridges have reinforced concrete as a building material. The traffic intensity, as well as the axle, and the average vehicle weight have increased since these structures were op ...
The role of the slab mechanism compressive membrane action is investigated, during the direct loading of a beam integrated in a prestressed deck bridge.