
A. de Boer


20 records found

Ruytenschildt Bridge

Field and laboratory testing

A large number of existing reinforced concrete solid slab bridges in the Netherlands are found to be insufficient for shear upon assessment. However, research has shown additional sources of capacity in slab bridges, increasing their total capacity. Previous testing was limited t ...
Proof load tests of bridges can be very useful for structures with a lack of information, or for structures of which the effect of material degradation is difficult to assess. Contrary to diagnostic load testing, proof load testing is not well-defined in current standards in term ...
Most Dutch bridges were constructed around the middle of the twentieth century and considering the fact that traffic has increased exponentially since, it is important to find out if these bridges are still safe for use. Experiments on a 1:2 scale were carried out in the laborato ...
In Anbetracht steigender Verkehrslasten und geringer angesetzter Tragfähigkeiten in den vor Kurzem eingeführten Eurocodes steht in den Niederlanden die Querkrafttragfähigkeit vieler bestehender Brücken mit Stahlbetonmassivdecke zur Debatte. In den Normvorschriften werden jedoch g ...
Proof load testing can be a suitable method to show that a bridge can carry the required loads from the code without distress. This paper addresses the preparation, execution, and analysis of a proof load test on a four-span reinforced concrete solid slab bridge, viaduct de Beek. ...
Assessment of the capacity of the existing infrastructures has become more relevant in the recent years. With regard to the concrete bridges, the shear capacity of a large amount of existing concrete slab bridges reinforced with plain (smooth) bars are of concern. However, it was ...
As the bridge stock in the Netherlands and Europe is ageing, various methods to analyze existing bridges are being studied. Proof load testing of bridges is an option to experimentally demonstrate that a given bridge can carry the prescribed live loads. Based on extensive researc ...
In the Netherlands, the shear capacity of a large number of existing reinforced concrete solid slab bridges is subject to discussion, as initial assessments indicated that their capacity was insufficient. In certain cases, the deterministic value of the moment capacity is larger ...
Loading protocols and acceptance criteria are available in the literature for load tests on buildings. For bridges, proof load tests are interesting when crucial information about the structure is missing, or when the uncertainties about the structural response are large. The acc ...
Existing reinforced concrete solid slab bridges in the Netherlands are re-assessed for shear based on a Unity Check: the ratio of the shear stress caused by the applied loads to the shear capacity of the concrete cross-section. The governing shear stress resulting from the self-w ...
Proof load testing is part of the engineering practice, and can be particularly useful for the rating of existing bridges. This paper addresses how reliability-based concepts can be used in combination with proof load testing, and discusses how this approach differs from the curr ...
Load testing of bridges is a practice that is as old as their construction. In the past, load testing gave the traveling public a feeling that a newly opened bridge is safe. Nowadays, the bridge stock in many countries is aging, and load testing is used for the assessment of exis ...
Existing bridges with large uncertainties can be assessed with a proof load test. In a proof load test, a load representative of the factored live load is applied to the bridge at the critical position. If the bridge can carry this load without distress, the proof load test shows ...
As the bridge stock in The Netherlands and Europe is ageing, various methods to analyse existing bridges are bemg studied. Proof loading of bridges is an option to study the capacity when crucial information about the structure is lacking. This information could be related to the ...
Proof loading of existing bridges is an option to study the capacity when crucial information about the structure is lacking. To define the loading criteria for proof load testing, a review of the literature has been made, finite element models of existing viaducts have been made ...
Most methods for the design and analysis of reinforced concrete slabs for punching are based on experiments on slab-column connections, reflecting the situation in building slabs. Slab-column connections with unbalanced moments have also been studied in the past. Experiments indi ...
In August 2014, the Ruytenschildt Bridge, a reinforced concrete solid slab bridge (reinforced with plain bars) in the Friesland province in the Netherlands was tested until failure. One of the goals of proof loading and testing this bridge to failure, was to study the failure mod ...
This paper presents an experimental research program aiming at assessing the current code provisions of vmin. A large test series was carried out, by varying the reinforcement ratio and loading conditions, the minimum average shear stress that can cause shear failure of a specime ...
When designing a concrete structure, a structural engineer often assumes that it is initially free of stresses and cracks. Serviceability limit state analyses are therefore often carried out only taking into account the structure’s self weight and the other imposed loads. As a re ...
Reinforced concrete slab bridges are assessed for a combination of loads that include self-weight, superimposed loads, and distributed and concentrated live loads. The shear capacity of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to a combination of loads is thus an important topic for t ...