Indentifying glacial features with sentinel-2 data

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The Tibetan Plateau is a vast elevated plateau in Central and East Asia. It contains thousands of glaciers and other geographical features. Through this area rivers like the Brahmaputra is flowing and making a basin providing about millions of people a home.
The last years global warming has been a focus of public and scientific debate. Not knowing what to expect and what the changes are result in ruling uncertainties which are of major concern because it could cause serious implications for water resources.
During this study the area located in the Upper Brahmaputra in the South-East of the Tibetan Plateau called the Yiong Zangbu catchment will be investigated. To understand what glacial changed have occurred in the past few years data from different years were collected, processed and compared.
The used datasets are ASTER GDEM, HydroSHEDS, GLIMS glacier mask and Sentinel-2 . Sentinel-2 data has been processed and different images are made like true colour and false colour images. Next to that a combination of datasets are used to see whether there is an accuracy issue and to understand what kind of features can be found on which height and what spectral reflectance belongs to it. After processing all the data of two following years differences can be seen. There are lakes that are frozen out within three months. Also glaciers which expanded downwards the hills. This can be a result of strong winters. On the higher parts there was more precipitation, which is helpful while remaining the current glaciers.