Exploiting neuron activation values for creating adversarial examples
Utilization of intermediate network information in genetic algorithms
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The increasing usage of neural networks forms a threat to the cyber security of the system that uses the network, and unfortunately adversaries use this vulnerability to attack the system with adversarial examples. As neural networks can have complex structures with tens of thousands of parameters, they are hard for humans to understand. Hence, existing white-box methods use very limited network information and most state-of-the-art methods are based on gradient descent. In this work we further investigate the inner workings of a neural network and consider using intermediate network information for the creation of adversarial examples. We show that neuron activation values can be distinguished by the class of the data point and contain meaningful information about the prediction of the network. Based on this information, we propose a new, gradient-free method for creating adversarial examples based on a genetic algorithm. By covering a larger part of the search space and manipulating the neuron activation values, our success rate exceeds most state-of-the-art methods, such as DeepFool and RFGSM. We also find that the trade-off between success rate and distance has a huge impact on the results of a method, wherefore we recommend to carefully balance this trade-off by formulating an optimization formula with a separate loss and distance component.