Modelling Approach for Special Properties of Magnetic Materials Applied in Actuators

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Eddy currents are loops of electrical currents induced within conductors by varying magnetic field in the conductor. Eddy currents flow in the closed loops in the conductor, in planes perpendicular to the magnetic field. The eddy current effect plays an important role in the transformer or an actuator system.
If there is a coil wound around a cylindrical iron core, system, the AC coil can induce eddy currents in the solid core. The eddy current can change the flux in the core, and further influence the impedance of the system. If such a system is applied to an electromagnetic actuator, a proper modeling approach for the eddy current effect can help the researchers to determine the impedance change and predict the output power of the actuator. This thesis deals with the eddy current modeling improvement problem. A concept of the transformer ring topology is proposed to simplify the actuator model. A brass ring and an iron material ring are studied, in the purpose of realizing modeling optimization and test functions respectively. By using analytical calculation and modeling analysis, the eddy current modeling method is improved and optimized. The practical impedance of the model becomes closer to the simulation results. This research can help the researcher to compute the actuator model, and better simulates it.