Limitations and Opportunities of Noisy Quantum Devices

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In this work, we first analyse a theoretical technique based on entropic inequalities, which in principle can be used to compare classical and quantum algorithms running on noisy quantum devices. The technique has been used in the past for depolarizing noise, and has shown that for NISQ variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) to give an advantage over purely classical methods, it is essential that the structure of the problem is close to the quantum hardware the VQA is run on. Here, we use this technique for relaxation and pure dephasing noise and examine whether we can deduce the same results for the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) running on a noisy quantum device. In the later part of the thesis, we study the properties of the steady state of the Lindblad Master Equation for a 1D array of transmon qubits coupled by cross-resonance type interactions for relaxation and pure dephasing noise. For n=2,3 number of qubits we solve exactly the master equation, while for a general number of n qubits we approximate the solution by using two different approaches, namely perturbation theory and mean-field theory. Finally, we assess how well those approximation methods compare to the exact solution for n=2,3 qubits.