Schematic visualisation of geographic networks

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The focus of this project is to develop a web application that automates the process of drawing schematic networks from geographical networks. It allows users to upload geographical networks and inspect the schematic representation in the browser. During the two week research phase we found a Master's Thesis which explains a method for modelling railway tracks and junctions and attempts to draw schematics. We improve upon the findings of this thesis. We wrote a transformer that can transform real-world GeoJSON data of railway networks to abstract input usable by our algorithms. If our application is to be extended to other infrastructure networks, a different transformer can be implemented while using the same underlying algorithm. We performed weekly sprints. At the end of each, we presented the improvements to our client to receive feedback. With this feedback we created a sprint plan to assign and prioritise the tasks and responsibilities of the next sprint. The testing of our application is based on extensive unit tests and end-to-end tests. We evaluated the results of our application and documented recommendations for improving the algorithm. Our application serves as a proof-of-concept to our client.