Developing a Platform for Traffic Data Analysis

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Scenwise is a business working on innovative and sophisticated solutions in the domain of traffic management. Leveraging data science and IT systems, Scenwise delivers products to institutions to facilitate efficient traffic management. In order to manage the highly complex network of infrastructure on the road network, traffic managers need to use and analyze data that is collected all across the network in order to support decision makers in management of this network. However, there is often a mismatch in expertise between traffic management experts and decision makers. Traffic management experts use highly technical visualization techniques that require significant background knowledge in the traffic management domain. In addition, the visualization techniques are spread out over a multitude of systems that do not work together. In order to bridge the knowledge gap, a product needs to be created that allows experts to extract and visualize relevant data using their traffic domain knowledge while providing intuitive and clear visualizations which are clear to both experts and non-experts. The ultimate goal of this product would be to facilitate efficient traffic management in order to improve the lives of commuters by contributing to a better organized infrastructure. Our project group has designed and implemented a product for Scenwise that offers this solution. A web-based application has been created that retrieves and stores traffic data. The product is able to traverse the road network and provide helpful insights into the traffic network’s state at either the present moment, or moments in history. The application is able to provide dynamic traffic contour plots, draw fundamental diagrams, show live traffic intensity over the entire Dutch road network and provide information related to traffic events like accidents and matrix sign states. The product is able to do all of this while providing a seamless and intuitive user interface. The system has been designed and implemented over a span of ten weeks by a group of five students. A SCRUM methodology was adopted and through careful discussion with the client and a continuous feedback loop a product was delivered that fits both the clients needs and the wider product vision that has been defined.