Frequency Scatter in Kinetic Inductance Detectors

Improved Analysis Using Pixel-to-Frequency Mapping Setup

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Extremely large telescopes (ELTs) are expected to be one of the most promising astronomical observation instruments when it comes to observing exoplanets. During observations, however, Earth’s atmosphere introduces optical distortion, which needs to be corrected. For this reason, a wavefront sensor (WFS) will be developed that comprises a 100 ⇥ 100 array of kinetic inductance detectors (KID), superconductor-based photodetectors. The main advantage of KIDs in an array is their ability to be multiplexed on a single read out line by designing each KID to operate at a different frequency. The signal of an individual KID can essentially be described as a dip in the transmission signal of the readout signal. Upon the fabrication of these KID arrays, however, these dips may have shifted as so-called frequency scatter (or f-scatter), which severely disorders the readout signal. The f-scatter cannot be determined based solely on the readout signal as it contains no information about which KID each individual signal originates from.
This paper manages to provide a solution in the form of an experimental method in which the KID array is scanned along the x- and y-axis to produce a spatial map. To realize this, an optical setup was designed and constructed, based on a single-lens system with a magnification of M = 1.22. By implementing a CCD camera, the KID array could be live imaged to align the setup accordingly. Thanks to numerous other alignment measures, the setup was able to scan the entire KID array along the x- and y-axis in 45 scans per axis. Based on the difference in transmission, a 45x45 spatial map was constructed, which was manually scaled down to 20x20. This 20x20 spatial map presented the location of KIDs on the fabricated detector array based on their measured operating frequency. By comparing this with the spatial map of the KID array design, the standard deviation in the fractional frequency deviation was determined, σ_δf/f = 5.92 · 10^-3. This result shows the experimental method is able to effectively unveil the severity of the f-scatter in the studied 20x20 KID array.
Despite the potency of the presented method, the biggest giveaway of its flaws is a reduced pixel yield on the 20x20 spatial map from 400 to 374 pixels. The developed data analysis is able recognize multiple complications, which can be mitigated by optimizing readout parameters to improve the quality of the signal. Additionally, one-to-one imaging is far too restricting for advanced scanning techniques due to its fixed M. Appropriate suggestions for improving the lens systems would be implementing the Cooke triplet or a two-lens system that utilizes the principle of virtual imaging.