
20 records found

Diffractive optical elements are all you need

Designing an optical system using physics-informed and data-driven methods

In this work, we consider how to optimize an optical system, specifically one with diffractive optical elements (DOE). We start by describing optical theory called Fourier optics also known as wave optics. This type of optics is found by making assumptions from the Maxwell equati ...

Non-imaging optics

Using Laplacian magic windows and Zernike polynomials

In this report a semi-analytic solution to the Laplacian magic window is proposed. The Laplacian magic window is a term recently introduced in 2017[2]. When a uniform wavefront hits a refractive surface, it creates an illumination distribution behind the surface. When the curvatu ...

Freeform lens predictions by a Neural Network and B-splines

Utilizing the Fraunhofer approximation to train a Neural Network unsupervised

There exist a lot of methods to find the electromagnetic field behind a lens, so called the forward lens problem. In contrast very few methods can do the inverse, namely finding a lens that would produce a given image or light distribution for a known source. Here a solution to t ...

PINN inspired Freeform Design

Using Fraunhofer Diffraction to find Freeforms described by B-spline Surfaces

This project aims to recreate intensity patterns using Fraunhofer diffraction as a means of simulation. These intensity patterns are created by phase shifting specific parts of an incoming field of light. These phase shifts are determined by a B-spline surface, which is in turn c ...

Frequency Scatter in Kinetic Inductance Detectors

Improved Analysis Using Pixel-to-Frequency Mapping Setup

Extremely large telescopes (ELTs) are expected to be one of the most promising astronomical observation instruments when it comes to observing exoplanets. During observations, however, Earth’s atmosphere introduces optical distortion, which needs to be corrected. For this reason, ...

Orientation of Spherical Janus Nanoparticles

Force and Torque Calculations due to an External Electric Field

Janus particles are colloidal particles for which one half of the surface has different attributes than the other half. One property of a spherical dielectric particle with half of its surface covered by a layer of another dielectric or metal is that it has a non-uniform scatteri ...
Distributed feeding in photo-conducting antennas (PCAs) leads to simple optical designs, less prone to overheating, as well to terahertz (THz) antennas that can operate non-dispersively over wide bandwidths. However, the efficient analysis of pulsed PCAs was so far limited to arc ...

A Gas Emission Setup to Evaluate Wideband Sub-mm Spectrometers

For Frequency Calibration and Long Integration Analysis

A gas-cell-based calibration setup was designed to evaluate the wideband response of sub-millimeter spectrometers like DESHIMA (DEep Spectroscopic High-redshift MApper). The use of low pressure gas emission spectra allowed for accurate calibration of the absolute frequency respon ...

Applications of Optical Birefringence

With Natural-Materials and Meta-Materials

The beauty of optical birefringence lies in the fact that it provides an independent control of light over different polarization directions, which leads to many important applications in today's optical systems. This thesis describes the applications of existing naturally-occurr ...
The development of optical metamaterials in recent years has enabled the design of novel optical devices with exciting properties and applications ranging across many fields, including in scientific instrumentation for space missions. This in turn has led to demand for computatio ...
Interference of light can be used to determine the concentration of a gas, called gas sensing. The absorption of the light by the gas molecules is measured based on the phase change of the light. In this report, a hollow core photonic crystal fiber is treated. The gas sample is i ...
Suppose we have a target radiance distribution, a light source, and a plane for receiving light. How do we design a reflector that can give a similar result as the target radiance distribution? The inverse reflector problem is of high interest for light designers and related indu ...
Differentiable ray-tracing is an exciting new development in computer graphics to approach all sorts of 3D scene design problems by obtaining gradients of renders produced by ray-tracing with respect to parameters that define the scene. These gradients can then be incorporated in ...
The concept of optical refrigeration dates back to 1929, when Pringsheim recognized that thermal energy associated with the translational degrees of freedom of isolated atoms could be reduced by the process of anti-Stokes fluorescence. Optical refrigeration of a solid was first e ...
In this thesis we are interested in distinguishing patterns of mesoscale cloud patterns in the trades. Specifically, whether Sugar, Gravel, Fish and Flowers patterns can objectively be identified using physical quantities. For this purpose, we use cloud fraction data attained by ...
In this thesis, we provide a method for reconstructing a planet's surface map from its reflected light curve. We are going to derive an equation for the reflective light-curve under the assumption that the surface map is characterized by four different surface types (ocean, veget ...
In this report, we will focus on simulating galaxy observations with the Deep Spectroscopic High-redshift Mapper (DESHIMA). To do so, we will discuss and evaluate two main parts needed to accurately perform such a simulation: Firstly, we will answer the question whether Time-dep ...
The aim of this research is to study a method to find exomoons and to find specific characteristics that point to the existence of exomoons. Exomoons are natural satellites orbiting an extrasolar (exo)planet in an extrasolar system. By looking at eclipses on exoplanets, we can fi ...
Context. In the near-future, exoplanets can be observed directly through telescopes. Although the resolution of the planet's image will only be one pixel at first, the intensity of this pixel will change over time because of the orbit around its host star and its diurnal rotation ...
The Kuramoto model (KM) is a well known mathematical model of coupled oscillators that is frequently used to study synchronization phenomena. In this bachelor thesis we investigate the effects of noise on synchronization in Kuramoto-type networks. In the first part we follow the ...