Innovation in Renovation
Optimizing interior insulation application workflow
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In the times of growing attention towards renovation for energy efficiency in the built environment, the building stock particularly associated with heritage value deemed monumental or protected is currently exempted under the Dutch law to comply with the energy performance guidelines.
Limitations with regards to protecting the aesthetics of these heritage buildings make interventions for energy saving restricted to interior application. While it is necessary for these buildings to be more efficient, the process of interior energy renovation is complex in terms of financing, space, thermal performance and managing stakeholders.
This thesis researches into ways to simplify and streamline the process of interior renovation with a focus on application of thermal insulation to the envelope to reduce transmission losses. The present challenges are addressed by three interventions in the workflow of the renovation process starting with a shift to super insulation material for better performance and space saving. Digital data capture and processing create opportunity of an integrated process of digital design to production. Lastly prefabrication of insulation ensures reduction of onsite time.
The result is a globally adaptable approach towards an optimized renovation workflow that creates an synergy between energy efficiency, performance, production and preservation of the architectural heritage while keeping the occupants central.