Self-driving vehicles as public transport in Rotterdam

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The development of self-driving vehicles is growing rapidly. The goal of this research is to investigate the possibilities of self-driving vehicles as public transport. Based on development, existing projects and existing public transport systems a suitable system of self-driving vehicles as public transport is determined. Rotterdam is used as a case-study in this research. Three potential locations for a service of self-driving vehicles as access/egress mode are selected. The number of trips for self-driving vehicle as public transport for these test locations is modelled using the OmniTRANS-model in Rotterdam. An access/egress mode choice model is estimated to calculate the number of trips for the self-driving vehicle and bike. For the test locations the results of the model show a 25\% to 59\% share of the number of trips for self-driving vehicles as access/egress mode. Based on this research recommendations are made for further research.