DNS and RANS for core-annular flow with a turbulent annulus

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DNS and RANS simulations were carried out for core-annular flow in a horizontal pipe and results were compared with experiments carried out with water and oil in our lab. In contrast to most existing studies for core-annular flow available in the literature, the flow annulus is not laminar but turbulent. This makes the simulations more challenging. As DNS does not contain any closure correlations, this approach should give the best representation of the flow (provided a sufficiently accurate numerical mesh and numerical method is used). Various flow configurations were considered, such as without gravity (to enforce an on-average concentric oil core) and with gravity (to allow for eccentricity in the oil core location). Both single-phase and two-phase conditions were considered; single-phase flow refers to the water annulus with imposed wavy wall, whereas two-phase flow includes the determination of the wavy interface. Mesh refinement was carried out to assess the numerical accuracy of the simulation results.