Learning-based path planning for automatic guided vehicles in container terminals

A case study at TBA Group

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This thesis has provided insight into how machine learning can be beneficial to path planning in container terminals. Path planning algorithms can be used in environments with automated vehicles. A well known algorithm is the A* path planning algorithm, which is the fastest optimal path planning algorithm under satisfied conditions. However, the behaviour of a container terminal is unknown beforehand, costs can change over iterations. Therefore, Liu et al. [Liu et al., 2019] and Keselman et al. [Keselman et al., 2018] show the advantage of combining A* with Machine Learning. This way, the exploring part of the ML algorithm is combined with the fast andmore precise properties of the A* PP algorithm. This thesis has proposed the machine learning algorithm Vehicle Aware Reinforcement Learning Path Planning Algorithm VARLPPA. This algorithm uses Monte Carlo Control method. This is a model free approach, which has been shown in both experiments to find more efficient solutions in exceptional situations.