Sediment transport over sills at longitudinal training dams with unaligned main flow

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training dams (LTDs) are  constructed in
the River Waal in the  Netherlands. They
are aligned parallel to the  river shore
and divide the river into a main and  side
channel. The existing groynes are  removed
yielding more discharge capacity at  high
flows. The side channel creates possibly a 
sheltered environment for species compared to  the traditional groyne field (Collas, 2014).  Although the lay-out of the LTDs has been  extensively studied using numerical models  (e.g. Huthoff et al., 2011), the
morphodynamic  response is yet unclear and
depends strongly  on the dimensions
(length and height) of the  openings. The
inlet and openings (see Fig. 1)  are
sill-type structures which can be changed 
relatively easy.  These sills are
designed in such a way that  they serve
as a barrier for water and bed load  sediment.
To make long-term morphological  predictions,
it is necessary to understand the  bed
load transport processes over these sills. 
Suspended sediment transport is not 
considered in this study. We developed an  analytical model to predict sediment
transport  paths on a slope, using a
correction on the  well-known critical
Shields parameter.