Digital Literacy in Secondary Education Design Projects

Promoting playful reflection, collaborative creation and self-regulated learning

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Digital literacy has emerged as an indispensable skill in the 21st-century workforce, compelling educational institutions to adapt their curricula and incorporate digital literacy into their teaching methodologies. This research abstract specifically addresses the challenge of integrating digital literacy into the secondary educational course Design&Technology, which adopts a project-based, competence-driven approach that presents difficulties in establishing overarching guidelines and methods.
The primary objective of this project was to explore the structural inclusion of digital literacy within the Design&Technology course while preserving the existing teaching methods. Digital literacy permeates various stages of the Design&Technology projects, particularly in the learning and utilization of digital programs for creating and communicating models, research, and designs. The course emphasizes the significance of self-regulated learning during this process; however, teachers often encounter challenges in fulfilling their coaching role. To foster self-regulated learning among students, teachers must ensure the presence of key elements such as competence, relatedness, and autonomy. Regular reflection on their instructional practices and the course's relevance is crucial for applying effective didactic methods.
The final design outcome of this project is a game, intended to be played during pivotal moments within the Design&Technology faculty, such as the start of a school year. The game facilitates the exchange of views and perspectives, promoting a unified outlook on the Design&Technology course at the school. It prompts teachers to reflect on their interventions with student design teams and evaluate the effectiveness of their approaches in supporting the self-regulated learning journey emphasized in the Design&Technology vision. Furthermore, the game provides a safe space for players to express personal opinions and viewpoints.
The research project involved initial theoretical research to establish an overview of the scope, followed by engaging internal stakeholders in context-mapping sessions. The iterative phase of the project incorporated experts and stakeholders closely related to the identified problem statement through co-creative sessions, which further refined the game concept. The final evaluation was conducted in a realistic context and involved stakeholders who had no previous involvement with the research project.
The evaluation affirmed the anticipated outcomes, demonstrating that the game successfully facilitated reflection among the participants, allowing them to critically assess their daily teaching practices, make informed judgments, and raise questions or uncertainties. Consequently, teachers are now better equipped to provide tailored support to students during unexpected situations, thereby enhancing their self-regulated learning.
By employing the game, the integration of digital literacy into Design&Technology projects can be achieved in a structured manner. Engagement with the game improves flexibility, innovation, motivation, and enables teachers to deliver student-centered education.