Dutch ‘water-authority monuments’ to be saved in time

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‘Water-authority Monuments’ do not exist officially though Water-authority artefacts are numerous in existence and they have become important for civilians to feel related to the work of defence against flooding in the Netherlands and related threats, nowadays climate change related mostly. Therefore, it is important to understand better how such artefacts help people to become partly responsible for the work of Water-authorities, their goal-setting and taxation. The conservation of the most noticeable of these artifacts shows not to be organized in the Netherlands; unless Waterauthorities are the oldest governmental bodies in the Dutch situation. Government on the national and lower levels do preserve monuments among which is Water-authority related, even UNESCO world heritage cover some, still numerous of these artefacts are nor preserved yet, which proves a first inventory of exploring nature. Therefore, the conclusion is must to set the monumental status for Water-authority-related artefacts.