
20 records found

'Optimal conditions for group-dynamic challenges'

The results of mock-up research on group-dynamics during the January 2014 Juuka Finland ‘Ice Dome’ building by university students initiated by the Eindhoven Technical University

Society counts a growing number of group-dynamic challenges like civilian movements, resident initia-tive, self steering teams on the work floor and innovation team challenges. The basis driving force is governments that draw back, increasing competition in business and empowerme ...

Exploring resident-empowered meeting places in Dutch Neighbourhoods

By Jane Jacobs Walking Action-research methodology

The ‘Jane Jacobs Walk’ organization as one of the Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) heritage initiative supported three Jane Jacobs Walks of certified Fred Sanders in the period 2011 - 2014 in Amsterdam neighbour-hoods. These walks helped residents to explore resident-empowered meeting-pla ...

Pride the Civilians Motivator for Resilient Sustainable Cities

Results of the 2016 questionnaire research under Dutch Amsterdam council members

Dutch practice shows that cities will only become UNFCCC 2016 Paris Agreement sus-tainable proof when civilians besides government are willing to take responsibility for these cities too. Motivation feelings and neighbourhood conditions seem the key suc-cess factors. Many of thes ...

Dutch resiliency in the coastal Delta, by alert people

Post PhD questionnaire research among Zaanstreek citizens

The Wester coastal Delta zone of the Netherlands is the relatively more crowded area of the country where ten of the seventeen million people live. The governmental prognosis is that this number of people will increase steadily in the coming decennia, unless the threat of climate ...
To speed-up climate neutrality of Dutch cities National-government started 4 neighbourhood housing area innovation projects concerning citizen participation (IKS2). The participatory fascination of these projects lays in the gradations of citizen participation being: thinking-alo ...

Exploring resident-empowered meetingplaces in Dutch neighbourhoods

By Jane Jacobs Walking Action-research methodology

The ‘Jane Jacobs Walk’ organization as one of the Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) heritage initiative supported three Jane Jacobs Walks of certified Fred Sanders in the period 2011 - 2014 in Amsterdam neighbourhoods. These walks helped residents to explore resident-empowered meeting-plac ...

Duurzame NL Steden vraagt metro netwerk en doordachte Bouwproductie

Metrovorming als antwoord op de wachtlijsten van woningzoekenden die geen buitenwijk zoeken

De wachtlijsten vol woningzoekenden die zich in Nederland in de steden willen vestigen zijn dwingend voor de politiek. Het effect is dat er net zoals in de vorige eeuw gestuurd wordt op meer en versnelling van de stedelijke woningbouw. Onderzoek van het CPB en OTB voorspellen een ...

Success factors for Greenish Initiatives of the Commons

Results of the best practices 2016 research under Dutch Rotterdam project initiatives

Dutch best practice shows that greenish Initiatives of the commons are eminently important for the liveability of neighbourhoods, for social cohesion of residents and the personal development of participants (Sanders 2014 dissertation). Secondly greenish initiatives show to contr ...

Success factors for Greenish Initiatives of the Commons

Results of the best practices 2016 research under Dutch Rotterdam project initiatives

Dutch best practice shows that greenish Initiatives of the commons are eminently important for the liveability of neighbourhoods, for social cohesion of residents and the personal development of participants (Sanders 2014 dissertation). Secondly greenish initiatives show to contr ...


Broedplaatsen voor burgerinitiatief

Dutch circular cities by the energy of people

Post PhD best practices research on Amsterdam and Rotterdam citizen initiatives

Dutch circular cities by the energy of people

Post PhD best practices research on Amsterdam and Rotterdam citizen initiatives

Circular cities by the energy of people

(Post) PhD research, success factors for sustainability citizen group initiatives

There has been a long tradition in making ice structures, but the development of technical improvements for making ice buildings is a new field with just a handful of researchers. Most of the projects were realized by professors in cooperation with their students as part of their ...
There has been a long tradition in making ice structures, but the development of technical improvements for making ice buildings is a new field with just a handful of researchers. Most of the projects were realized by professors in cooperation with their students as part of their ...
There has been a long tradition in making ice structures, but the development of technical improvements for making ice buildings is a new field with just a handful of researchers. Most of the projects were realized by professors in cooperation with their students as part of their ...
‘Water-authority Monuments’ do not exist officially though Water-authority artefacts are numerous in existence and they have become important for civilians to feel related to the work of defence against flooding in the Netherlands and related threats, nowadays climate change rela ...
For speeding-up the retrofit1 use of demolished construction materials in new housing instead of focusing on the reuse of new materials at the end of the housing lifecycle, former research led to the conclusion that in the Dutch situation material depots that refurbish2 construct ...
In recent years collaborative housing has developed into a housing typology for a wide range of households seeking housing solutions that are not offered by mainstream providers. Collaborative housing is very divers, but initiatives share the central similarity that people suppor ...
Most cities in the world are coastal cities, especially facing accumulating climate-change coupled threats. These cities are precisely the ones that are growing the fastest, what makes this development a risk for millions of people in our world. These accumulating threats happen ...