Novel method for UHR streamer shape reconstruction and improved receiver positioning

a conceptual overview

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Poor knowledge of source and receiver positions in ultra-high-resolution marine seismic data is the cause of severe damage which requires novel processing techniques to mitigate. This type of seismic data is highly relevant for ultra-shallow subsurface imaging in geo-engineering projects both offshore and in harbours. Current positioning technologies are limited partly by their accuracy but also the fact that they are only placed on head and tail buoys of the towed arrays. This leaves receiver locations on the length of the streamer cable to be interpolated. Rather than developing additional processing methods, we propose to improve the quality of the data by introducing a complimentary receiver positioning system to reconstruct the shape of the streamer cable in 4D using Fiber Optic Shape Sensing (FOSS) technology. In this abstract, we outline the key features of FOSS technology and provide a conceptual overview of our efforts to bring this technology to the field.


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