Improving Load Shedding Schemes for Critical System Conditions

Optimising Frequency Defence for the Future Power System

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As the electricity sector transitions towards a low-carbon future, an increasing proportion of synchronous generation in the power system is replaced with inverter-based resources (IBRs). The result is a reduction in the available rotational inertia in the grid, depleting its ability to withstand and arrest frequency changes following disturbances. Consequently, disturbances such as a loss of generation or load have an increasingly larger impact on the system, resulting in higher frequency deviations and increased rate of change of frequency (RoCoF).

On two occasions in 2021, the Continental Europe Synchronous Area (CESA) experienced system splitting events caused by cascading trips of several transmission system elements. In both cases, system defence plans were activated in order to preserve the integrity of the overall system. The amount of disconnected load was limited on both occasions, however, should similar events occur in the future with even lower rotational inertia in the grid, the impact could be more severe. This raises the question of whether the existing defence measures are sufficient to maintain system integrity and stable system operation.

Currently in CESA, containment of system frequency excursions following a severe loss of generation is achieved through low-frequency demand disconnection (LFDD) at a frequency below 49Hz. Due to the reduction in traditional synchronous generation and system inertia, the frequency stability of the system is expected to deteriorate, leading to an elevated impact of major disturbances, a rising probability of forced disconnections at frequencies below 49 Hz, and the potential for cascading loss of generation and blackout events.

The objective of this research is to explore the potential impact of reduced system inertia and increased penetration of renewable generation on the performance of the traditional LFDD scheme. In conjunction, additional proactive measures are proposed and investigated with the aim to reduce the probability of LFDD disconnections, by taking actions at frequency thresholds between 50 and 49Hz, as well as to improve the performance of the LFDD scheme in the event that disconnections are required. As a test case, the LFDD scheme as currently applied by one of the distribution system operators in the Netherlands is considered.

This project is therefore categorised in two primary research directions: (i) improving selection criteria for LFDD load shedding locations, and (ii) improving LFDD performance using alternative load shedding schemes.

Key topics explored in this research include: (i) the use of system strength and real-time DER generation as input parameters to load bus selection criteria for LFDD, and (ii) proactive RoCoF-based disconnection of pre-determined consumers above 49Hz. The findings of this study indicate that adapting the current LFDD implementation based on the local system strength and the level of active DER generation at LFDD buses can improve frequency response and reduce instability following LFDD switching operations. Furthermore, proactive RoCoF-based demand side load management techniques above 49Hz prove effective in reducing frequency deviation during the most severe events while avoiding LFDD over-shedding for smaller contingencies.


MSc_Thesis_Report_PB_Improving... (pdf)

File under embargo until 31-12-2024