Searching for the boundaries of space efficiency

Transformation of the Bruggebouw

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Increasing lack of space in the Netherlands drives us to new interpretations of the multifunctional building. To reduce vacancy and increase effective use of existing buildings the Bruggebouw-Oost in The Hague is transformed. The integration of multifunctional concepts in the design of this building results in a new relation between functions. By combining shops, housing, working, sports and restaurants new flows and opportunities are created but new challenges emerge. Creating a new way of living between working and living where the two van benefit from each other. This by horizontally and vertically linking and overlap them getting the most out of the square meters. To make the building suitable for the future it needs to be adaptable. Therefore the building consisits out of prefabricated units being housing, working and shops that can be altered throughout the years to comply with future demand. This all to strive to efficient use of the built environment.