D6.4 Report on selective qualitative analysis

which includes 8 selected legal and policy arrangements in selected countries, and analysis of results and a report on the discussion with experts

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Access to land is one of the main issues faced by new generations in rural areas. The RURALIZATION project addresses this topic by analysing (Loveluck et al., 2021) and developing (in progress) innovative practices, studying land holdings and land market trends (Korthals Altes, 2021) and by studying legal and policy arrangements regarding access to land. Results will be discussed in focus group discussions. The legal and policy arrangements are studied both by a general overview of the situation in all EU Member states (Korthals Altes and de Wolff, 2021) and by an in depth qualitative analysis of 8 selected legal and policy arrangements (this report) with the objective to find out how these legal and policy arrangements may contribute to ensuring access to land for rural newcomers and new entrants into farming.