Iterative solutions to generalized full wavefield modeling

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Generalized Full Wavefield Modeling is a directional modeling method, which simulates wavefields such as upgoing and downgoing wavefields. The most straightforward implementation of such a method is to employ the Neumann's iterative method, which is, nonetheless, well-known not to be necessarily convergent for all situations. Thus, we use three other methods that represent a generalization of the Neumann's solution; one is preconditioned stationary overrelaxation, and the other two are preconditioned conjugate gradient and a truncated Krylov method, the so-called GMRes. We compare the convergence of all those methods, as well as, stationary and successive overrelaxation methods without preconditioning. We find that such truncated Krylov method, i.e., GMRes, is overall faster to converge and requires no preconditioning to assure convergence. We show two examples, one using a velocity model linearly increasing with depth and one using a complex salt model adapted from the SEG SEAM model. In the first model, GFWMod provides the upgoing and downing diving waves including the horizontally propagating constituents, while in the second model, it provides the evolution of the scattering process with different iterations, providing insight into the actual scattering process.