Hussain Hammad

22 records found


Operator-Based Modeling and Inversion

An Operator Approach to the Forward and Inverse Scattering Problems

The seismic method has many applications. It is important in the critical sector of energy. Besides being used in imaging oil and gas reservoirs, it is also utilized in other sectors of energy such as geothermal energy exploration and development. It also plays a role in extracti ...
Scattering and inverse scattering theories are based on the Lippmann-Schwinger equation and its linearised version, the so-called Born equation. In this chapter, we seek alternative representations that can be the basis for different methods of model- ing and inversion. One repre ...
We propose in this paper a theorem that combines together operator retrieval from model-independent joint migration inversion and homogeneous Green’s function re- construction. The resulting method overcomes the under-determination problem that we face in retrieving those operato ...

The kinematical aspects of wave propagation are often analysed using slowness curves, which are well-known not only for isotropic media but also for anisotropic ones. The dynamical aspects are often analysed using reflection coefficient curves which are also well-known for bot ...

We extend in this paper the full wave-field modeling method to the elastodynamic situation. While, the acoustic case encompasses directional decomposition - where up-going and downgoing wavefields are modeled in addition to modal decomposition, through which heterogeneity is prop ...
We extend in this chapter the full wave-field modeling method to the elastodynamic situation. While, the acoustic case encompasses directional decomposition — where up-going and downgoing wavefields are modeled in addition to modal decomposi- tion, through which heterogeneity is ...
Instead of attempting to retrieve model parameters (velocity and density in the acoustic situation), Model-Independent Joint Migration Inversion tries to obtain operators, reflection and augmented transmission, the sum of transmission and wavenumber perturbation operators. Howeve ...
Generalized full wavefield modeling is a modeling process that utilizes reflection and transmission operators for inhomogeneous media in order to produce the wavefields. We extend this modeling process to the quasi-elastic anisotropic situation, where the elastodynamic generalize ...
Generalized Full Wavefield Modeling is a directional modeling method, which simulates wavefields such as upgoing and downgoing wavefields. The most straightforward implementation of such a method is to employ the Neumann's iterative method, which is, nonetheless, well-known not t ...
Generalized Full Wavefield Modeling is a directional modeling method that incorporates reflection and transmission operators. It employs Neumann's method, an iterative inversion scheme for obtaining the solutions (the wavefields), which is, nonetheless, well-known not to be neces ...
Considering the practical aspects of implementing the full wavefield modeling method is critical for analyzing this method and its theoretical, as well as, numerical limitations. We implement stretched-coordinate perfectly matched layer (SC-PML) in order to model the wavefields m ...
We derive a representation theorem for modeling directional wavefields using reciprocity theorem of the convolution-type. A Neumann series expansion of the representation yields a series that is similar to that of Bremmer. A generalized Neumann series is also derived similar to t ...
Multiples are more complex to analyze than primaries. This is due to the fact that a multiple, as the name suggests, bounces in the subsurface more than once. We propose a method that decomposes the data by scattering order and extract each scattering order of multiples separatel ...
We formulate the seismic inverse problem in an operator-based model-independent approach where the model parameters, such as velocity and density in the acoustic situation, are not required. The output of the inversion, however, are reflection and augmented transmission operators ...
Joint Migration Inversion (JMI) offers an attractive feature. It is an operator-based model-independent approach to the inverse problem, in contrast with the model-dependent conventional approach of Full Waveform Inversion, which not only uses the physical model parameters, veloc ...

Towards forward modeling beyond Zoeppritz's

Fullwavefield modeling for inhomogeneous media

Full wavefield modeling is a method that invokes the transfer coefficients in order to model wave propagation. However, generalized transfer coefficients, which are more general than those that are equivalent to Zoeppritz equations in acoustic media, are needed in order to model ...
Joint migration inversion (JMI) has been implemented with the implicit assumption that the medium parameters are only smoothly laterally varying. We extend JMI such that its modeling algorithm is capable of properly handling strong lateral medium variations. The extension is made ...

Joint migration inversion (JMI) has been implemented with the assumption that the medium parameters are only locally laterally varying. We extend JMI such that its modeling algorithm is able to handle arbitrary lateral medium variations. We show numerically that the the propag ...