Designing with a Ruin

An exploration of how an architectural intervention can be made while preserving the ruins of the Pirita Convent

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This graduation project for the studio "A Matter of Scale" at the Technical University of Delft addresses an architectural intervention in Tallinn's coastal zone, focusing on the ruins of the Pirita Convent. Established by St. Bridget’s Rule merchants, the Gothic-style convent operated from 1407 to 1575 before being destroyed. Today, it serves as a tourist site and event venue, necessitating temporary structures for functionality. This project proposes a sensitive, year-round architectural intervention that respects the historical elements while introducing a community music school and event space.

Four key themes guided the design process: historical connection, spatial organisation, sensory experience, and local (natural) materials. Historical research informed the layout, proportions, and functions of new additions, preserving the convent's essence while incorporating contemporary elements. Spatial organisation considered visitor flow and accessibility, ensuring logical routing and wheelchair access. Sensory experience focused on sight, sound, and touch, maintaining the visual prominence of the ruins, optimizing acoustics for the music school, and preserving the limestone's texture. Local natural materials were prioritized to minimize environmental impact and support the local economy, while also following the original St. Bridget Rules.

The project illustrates integrating ruins with new structures, balancing preservation and modern use, and offers a practical example for similar historical sites. By engaging with Tallinn's community and stakeholders, this design aims to enhance the cultural and functional value of the Pirita Convent, presenting a vision for its potential as a year-round public space.