Conceptualization of a real-time information processing platform for context-aware informing cyber-physical systems

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Informing cyber-physical systems (I-CPSs) are designed to accomplish sensing, reasoning and informing activities in dynamic context. In order to
simplify and accelerate the design and implementation process of multiple context-aware ICPSs, we are developing an information sensing,
computing and actuating (SCA) platform that can be used as a central module of these systems. This paper presents the concept of a SCA platform. The
functionality of the platform includes development of context-dependent strategies to adapt the sensing, reasoning and informing behaviors of the platform to various dynamic contexts. There are four constituents of the platform: (1) a generic kernel, (2) built-in elements, (3) add-on components, and (4) system interfaces. The paper also discusses both the internal and external integration mechanism of the SCA platform, which can be customized according to the needs of specific I-CPS applications by extending the generic kernel with various functional built-in elements and add-on components. The feasibility and
applicability of the platform have been tested through a case study: an indoor fire evacuation guiding system. The proposed platform provides a useful package of functionalities, alleviates the burden of developers, and speeds up the development of applications specific context-aware I-CPS.
