I. Horvath
365 records found
System knowledge and reasoning mechanisms are essential means for intellectualization of cyber-physical systems (CPSs). As enablers of system intelligence, they make such systems able to solve application problems and to maintain their efficient operation. Normally, system intell
We live in an age in which new things are emerging faster than their deep understanding. This statement, in particular, applies to doing research and educating university students concerning next-generation cyber-physical systems (NG-CPSs). The fast evolution of this system parad
Application-specific reasoning mechanisms (ASRMs) development is a rapidly growing domain of systems engineering. A demonstrative implementation of an active recommender system (ARS) was realized to support designing ASRMs and to circumvent procedural obstacles by providing conte
European Global Product Realisation
Creativity and Innovation in Educating Engineers and Product Designers of 21st Century
COllaborative DEsign in Virtual Environment (CODEVE) is a teaching methodology developed within the European Global Product Realization (EGPR) course over a number of years. Today’s products are global and our students engage in their early professional practice facing challenges
This second Part of the paper (i) develops a detailed procedural model for handling complicated research problematics, (ii) transfers the procedural framework into a scenario of processing steps, (iii) demonstrates the deployment of the procedural scenario in a sample case, and (
There are many large-scale, transdisciplinary research problematics associated with next-generation cyber-physical systems, which are difficult to capture, analyze, and transfer into sharable research models. This two-part paper is intended to contribute to a better understanding
Designing next-generation cyber-physical systems
Why is it an issue?
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are seen as one of the tangible results of the convergence of advanced information technology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, cognitive science, and social science in addition to conventional systems science, engineering, and technologies. Designing
Framing Supradisciplinary Research for Intellectualized Cyber-Physical Systems
An Unfinished Story
Conceptualization and design of intellectualized, socialized, and personalized cyber-physical systems (CPSs) need integration of existing knowledge across the involved disciplines, as well as exploration and synthesis of novel knowledge beyond disciplinary boundaries. The latter
Seeing the Past, Planning the Future
Proudly Celebrating 25 Years of Assisting the Convergence of Process Sciences and Design Science
This Extended Editorial has been compiled by the members of the Editorial Board to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, which operates as the Transactions of the Society for Process and Design Science. The pa
Applicability testing of constructive computational mechanisms (CCMs) is a new challenge for both the academia and the industry. The overwhelming majority of the existing validation approaches focuses on the internal validity of CCMs (e.g. consistency, bias), while there is a sho
The epsilon-knowledge
An emerging complement of Machlup's types of disciplinary knowledge
Machlup used the words alpha, beta, and gamma to identify humanities, science, and social science as three distinct fields of academic learning and knowing, in addition to general knowledge. Gilles and Paquet identified a fourth type of disciplinary knowledge and labeled it as de
The epsilon-knowledge:
An emerging complement of Machlup’s types of disciplinary knowledge
Machlup, F. used the words alpha, beta, and gamma to identify humanities, science, and social science as three distinct fields of academic learning and knowing, in addition to general knowledge. Gilles, W. and Paquet, G. identified a fourth type of disciplinary knowledge and labe
Inventive Approaches to Competitive Systems Engineering
Is There Anything New Under the Sun?
The special issue of the Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science (JIDPS) discusses inventive approaches to competitive systems engineering, including any new developments in the area. It focuses on how inventiveness can be achieved in such a conventional domain as genera
Though they can be traced back to different roots, both smart design and smart systems have to do with the recent developments of artificial intelligence. There are two major questions related to them: (i) What way are smart design and smart systems enabled by artificial narrow,
Designing Cyber-Physical Systems for Runtime Self-Adaptation
Knowing More about What We Miss...
Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) represent practical examples of the integration of bits and atoms in human and social contexts and contribute to the integration of neurons and genes into system implementation. Many experts believe that a deeper theoretical understanding of system a
The deposition process of wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is usually planned based on a bead geometry model (BGM), which represents the relationship between bead geometries (e.g. width, height) and required deposition parameters. However, the actual deposition situatio
The deposition process of wire and arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is usually planned based on a bead geometry model (BGM), which represents the relationship between bead geometries (e.g. width, height) and required deposition parameters. However, the actual deposition situatio
Personalized Messaging Based on Dynamic Context Assessment
Application in An Informing Cyber-Physical System
Hazard-intense applications of cyber-physical systems (CPSs), such as the evacuation of a building on fire, require personalized informing on the basis of a real-time assessment of dynamic context. In this paper, a context-dependent message construction mechanism (CD-MCM) is prop
Though many enhancements are still possible and needed, data analytics software packages invaded all segments of industrial businesses. Since product designers are not specialized data analysts, an op- portunity of enhancement is to provide advice by smart data analytics toolboxe