Derivation of the dispersion relation of spin-waves and their off-resonant detection using NV centers in diamond

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Spin-waves, the propagation of circular preccession of spins, have been offered as a way to replace electric currents as information carriers. The overwhelming advantage being the lack of moving charges and Ohmic losses. In this context, the search for an efficient method of detection of becomes crucial. Nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond offer a highly sensitive and effective solution. These diamond lattice defects have quan- tum and optical features allowing them to be used to quantify the surrounding magnetic field. This project is composed of a theoretical study of spin waves followed by an experimental section where AC magnetometry is tried out as a detection method. First the computations for the dispersion relation of spin waves in a ferro- magnetic material where done. A simplified version assuming homogeneity in one direction is presented and then an expansion considering a wave mode of the first order in the previously constant direction is attempted. An analysis on the efficiency of spin wave generation outlines the conditions on the wavelength and the po- larisation needed to correctly drive spin waves while being able to measure them using NV centers. Then the experimental setup and steps of AC magnetometry are layed out. The results of a measurement are shown and are in alignment with the theoretical predictions, proving this to be a valid method.