Sustainable and circular retrofitting facade

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The Paris agreement’s mechanisms for 2050 represent a challenge for the world to achieve Net-zero emission and climate resilience. Retrofitting the existing stock is a critical step in every nation to achieve these goals. The building sector has a significant role in the Net-zero emission transition. The ambitions for retrofitting the Netherlands´ by 2030 and 2050 bring the need to explore new products taking sustainability and circular economy as the basis of design. This research explores the application of a “cradle to cradle” design approach to redesign a sandwich panel currently used as a renovation strategy to wrap existing dwellings in The Netherlands. The research in performed from the perspective of a façade company in the national market.

The current product manufactured by the company is not studied with the end of its service life in mind and is designed mainly with fossil fuels related products. Also, the time component is detached from the product, and scenarios where the materials are “processed and disposed” or “mined and reused” are not considered. The research explores three different façade concepts that contrast with a traditional linear production based mainly on fossil fuels. The analysis brings a set of 24 options, each with three circularity scenarios. The conclusions reveal that the environmental impacts and success of a “cradle to cradle” design strategy has a close relationship with the number of years the existing dwellings will be used. By reusing the existing dwellings for prolonged times (50 and 100 years), the best option for the company is to develop a biobased sandwich panel relying on renewables and materials with low environmental impacts but as an efficient “cradle to grave” strategy. However, for a shorter span of usage in the existing stock (25 years), the best option is a “cradle to cradle” strategy where the resources are taken back to the technical cycle combined with reduced usage of materials for the cladding system.

Some of the technical recommendations suggested are to test the biobased panel for a mechanical test. Afterward, develop the construction details for connections in foundation, windows, and doors to finally build a 1:1 mock-up to be tested for meteorological degradations and durability. Also, further analysis is needed for a financial case for the scenarios where materials are used after a first cycle. Finally, further research is needed to develop fully biobased matrixes to biocomposite fully biodegradable, allowing them to get back into a biological cycle.