Design of an outdoor lighting system for Slamp S.p.A.

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Slamp spa is an Italian company, so far known for the design and production of decorative handmade lamps and lighting systems. Most of their current products are intended for indoor use. However, their plan for the coming years is to expand its portfolio with products also intended for external use. Due to the generality of the topic, extensive research was carried out in order to narrow down the issue. The outdoor lamp market, trends, materials, and the production possibilities of Slamp were carefully analyzed. Interviews with users of outdoor lighting were also conducted. The analysis resulted in the selection of private use, portable lamps as a category for the designed product. The first stage of the project was summarized by defining the target group, personas, and scenarios.

The concept development stage was carried out. It was characterized by a large amount of generating ideas through simultaneously trial and error, testing, searching for the form, application, and proper operation of light. It was a process that combines the features of a structured, methodological approach to the work of an IDE and the work of an artist looking for inspiration and a starting point through continuous experimentation. The stage was completed with the evaluation of the best concepts and the selection of one, which was then subjected to further development and embodiment design.

The result was a wireless lamp designed for indoor and outdoor use. The product directly responds to the needs of the interviewed users who emphasized that despite the installed external lighting, they used additional light sources such as candles, LED lamps, lanterns, etc. The lamp’s purpose is not to fully illuminate, but rather to provide additional or intimate illumination of the surroundings and a space in which the users are located. The lamps allow them to tune the mood and atmosphere, especially in a garden, on a terrace or a balcony. Furthermore, there is full freedom of how to use the lamp. It can stand horizontally, vertically, on the side, however users want, depending on their needs. It is recommended to buy not one, but two or three lamps to achieve optimal flexibility and optimal space illumination possibilities.