Circulair aanbesteden

DNA-match: het geheim achter een spraakmakende circulaire aanbesteding

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The circular economy is a hot topic and seen as the solution to the depletion of the earth. According to multiple researchers procurement is an important mean to stimulate circularity, thereby boosting the transition towards a circular economy. However, one thinks the Dutch procurement law is obstructing circular procurement, and one does not know how to implement circularity in a tender. This research focusses on how circularity can be implemented in a tender, and if the Dutch procurement law is indeed obstructive to circular procurement. This explorative qualitative research used different research methods; literature review, explorative interviews, semi structured in-depth interviews and a case study. Based on this research it is concluded that the Dutch procurement law is not obstructive in any way or form to integrally implement circularity in tenders. Within a circular tender, three aspects are of crucial importance; (1) a DNA-match between contracting entity and contractor needs to be found, (2) vulnerability, transparency, communication and collaboration are important during the procurement process, and (3) circularity is not a goal on itself, but merely a mean to achieve higher objectives.