Google Computer Science Faculty
Education Space of Fluidity
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With the help of information technology, people can not only store the massive knowledge formed over thousands of years in various network databases but also present the process of knowledge production in different spaces at the same time. At this time, education will present a new ecology that can be learned everywhere and all the time. The physical boundaries of peer communication, work, and learning become blurred or even disappear completely, and the fluidity of educational space arises at a historic moment. It can be seen from recent experience that the traditional model of space and ownership (space owned by colleges and departments) is changing to a more diversified and flexible shared space. Success depends not only on the type of space provided but also on how to connect different types of space through circulation and create interactive activities.
This project, Google Computer Science Faculty, based on Google's plans and ambitions to enter the higher education market, tries to create fluidity in the next generation of educational spaces by focusing on the design of circulation areas.