The bottlenecks in the process of realizing a housing cooperative in cities in the Netherlands

Independent housing associations that bought their property from a social housing association or developed their property newly by themselves

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In a large part of the Netherlands, middle-income households fall into the gap between the social housing sector and the market sector. Also, the supply in middle-income dwellings is too small. Municipalities face challenges in unwanted changes in the population of the city because different groups are having problems fulfilling their housing needs. In particular, lower- and middle-income groups are affected by the limited supply of housing suitable for their means. Also, as a result of national economizing, an increasing amount of elderly lives for a longer time at their own home, instead of in a healthcare institution, despite the fact they need a form of (mild) care. This group has a higher risk of the consequences of feeling lonely as well since a large part of this group lives alone. Different shared living concepts could contribute to partly solving the problems municipalities are facing. Rental- or buying prices could be lower, because of new business cases, the sharing of facilities and possibly square meters. Next to this, important social networks could be set up, which leads to differentiation and better social cohesion in a city. There are several initiatives for shared living projects, but despite mentioning the willingness to facilitate new forms of living and organizing this by some municipalities in their housing visions, different bottlenecks are making the realization of the projects difficult. One form of shared living, which is upcoming again, and can realize projects offering houses with a rent in the social and middle segment in a city, is the housing cooperative. This research will map the bottlenecks and potential solutions for these bottlenecks, in the process of realizing a housing cooperative, in cities in the Netherlands.