Comparison of different oxygen exchange models

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A functional distribution of coronary volume can be estimated from the response of arterio-venous O2 content difference (AVO2) to a flow step. However, the results depend on the assumed O2 exchange model. The previously used model consisted of a single mixed compartment with O2 exchange in series with an unmixed compartment without O2 exchange (reference model). The purpose of this study is to provide an estimate of the errors made in the volume estimations by not taking into account factors as flow heterogeneity, different mixing sites or Krogh-like O2 exchange. The approach is indirect: the response of the AVO2 to a flow step has been calculated with alternative O2 exchange models in which the factors mentioned are incorporated. These transients are fitted with the reference model. The resulting estimated volumes are different from the volumes assumed in the alternative models. Large differences are obtained with some of the alternative models, e.g. the model with Krogh characteristics. However, these models seem unrealistic because capillary pO2 is higher than venous pO2. Only small differences in volume are obtained with the more realistic models. Therefore, these results indicate that the coronary volumes are approximated well by the estimations obtained with the reference model. These volume estimations were 9.9 and 3.8 ml 100 g-1 for the O2 exchange vessels and the distal venous volume, respectively.