Henk Stassen

64 records found


Minimally invasive surgery is at this moment one of the outstanding developments in surgery. In this type of surgery the actual operation is performed through a number of small incisions in the skin. In the operations special instruments are inserted via trocars, i. e. tubes whic ...
To perform an operation in the classical way, an incision is made in the skin and the underlying tissues. An alternative for this way of operating is minimally invasive surgery. Here only small incisions are made in the skin and operations are performed by using special instrumen ...
A functional distribution of coronary volume can be estimated from the response of arterio-venous O2 content difference (AVO2) to a flow step. However, the results depend on the assumed O2 exchange model. The previously used model consisted of a single mixed compartment with O2 e ...
PLEXUS is a computer program which has been developed to provide recommendations for diagnosis and treatment planning of brachial plexus injuries. This computer program is meant for neurologists, neurosurgeons and orthopaedic surgeons who are not experienced in the field of brach ...
In this study the response of driving pressure/flow ratio on an abrupt change in heart rate was analysed. The difference between the response obtained with constant pressure and constant flow perfusion was also studied. The responses show a fast initial reversed phase followed by ...
We have previously shown that steady‐state coronary flow during auto‐regulation and metabolic rate changes is predicted by a mathematically expressed theory which assigns control of coronary vascular resistance to tissue PO2. Our present purpose was to test the applicability of t ...