Quick Scan Humanitarian Logistics. Improving lead times for humanitarian intervention: A study of challenges, barriers and opportunities for Dutch NGOs

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An increasing number of people are facing the consequences of volatile events around the globe, whether due to natural causes or man-made crises. To prevent further physical, psychological, social and economic collapse after such a critical event, fast and effective humanitarian interventions are needed. However, the mounting frequency and intensity of these events has tested the ability of the international humanitarian community to respond quickly and effectively. This quick scan identifies key themes for improving the delivery of disaster relief during the critical response period (within 72 hours). Specifically, the analysis aims to identify industry best practices and success stories as well as challenges to be overcome.

The quick scan was initiated by the Dutch Coalition for Humanitarian Innovation, and financially supported by Save the Netherlands, the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam-The Hague (MRDH) and Delft University of Technology. The project is further supported by ArgusI, a logistics and supply chain consultancy firm. Throughout the project several NGOs and consultants have supported the project
by providing their input and sharing their insights. The ‘quick scan’ is intended to be a starting point for future research regarding ways to remove logistical bottlenecks. This analysis includes a qualitative description of industry best practices and challenges faced in the field. These findings are based on desk research and interviews with experts from various disaster response organizations together covering a wide range of expertise and experiences in disaster response throughout the past decade.