Toward a Reference Architecture for User-Oriented Open Government Data Portals

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Governments have established Open Government Data Portals (OGDP) to open various types of datasets that can be used to increase transparency, accountability, and innovation. OGDP is becoming a strategic program for citizen engagement and empowering users. Nevertheless, many OGDP architectures focus merely on publishing data and do not support the actual data use. Therefore, this paper aims to develop a reference architecture (RA) that takes a broader set of requirements aimed at enabling the use of open data into account. The RA consists of recommended structures and integrations of the end-to-end user interactions and services. In this research, we use the DKAN open data management platform as the basis to design a full suite of cataloguing and visualising the end-to-end user interactions. Five layers are proposed providing functionalities for using data. Whereas most portals are focused on releasing data, our RA is focused on empowering users by providing functionalities for the use of data.