Slender compliant mechanism with a low axial-bending stiffness ratio for use in an exoskeleton

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This project presents a compliant slender mechanism with a low axial-bending stiffness ratio. This can be used in passive exoskeletons. Passive exoskeletons can assist people with their work by preventing injuries. Currently exoskeletons uses sliders to account for the extension of the spine when bending, but this could be uncomfortable. The proposed mechanism tries to solve this problem by having a low axial stiffness while maintaining its bending stiffness. It consist of vertical rigid bodies connected by horizontal flexures. The distance between the flexures is found to be a variable almost independent of the axial stiffness, thus able to easily influence the ratio. To help with future designs a PRBM-model is proposed that describes the proposed mechanism. This is then used in a dimensional optimization algorithm. The found design is then produced as a prototype and tested. The axial-bending stiffness ratio that has been found was 8.5 and the maximum error of the PRBM model 18%.