Making phylogenetic networks orchard

Algorithms to determine if a phylogenetic network is orchard and to transform non-orchard to orchard networks

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Phylogenetic networks are used to represent evolutionary histories of a set of taxa. In this thesis, we look at a certain network class, called orchard networks.
In the beginning of this thesis, definitions concerning phylogenetic networks and specifically orchard networks are introduced. The characterization of orchard networks involves time-labelling of the vertices.
Then, an algorithm is given to see if a given network is orchard. The next section, explores a non-recursive labelling of a given network. There is not an explicit algorithm for the labelling. An algorithm for the labelling is given.
The last chapter is about non-orchard networks. It contains multiple actions that can be performed on the non-orchard networks in order to transform the non-orchard networks into orchard networks.