Survey of Israel Three-Dimensional Cadastre and the ISO 19152

The Land Administration Domain Model. Technical Report 2 (updated version)

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This report contains the results of the second phase of the 3D Cadastre and LADM investigations in context of possible future renewal of the Cadastral database at the Survey of Israel. This report sequels the report of phase 1 and complements the presentation given on 17 July 2014 ‘Towards an Israeli - 3D LADM country profile 3D Cadastres’ at the Survey of Israel, Tel Aviv. The first phase of the investigations covered two studies: 1. the state of the art of three-dimensional cadastre and 2. current cadastral procedures, land model and database. In the report of phase 1 the motivation for 3D Cadastre became very clear: Israel is a relatively small country, with a rapidly growing population, the pressure on the available land/space is increasing, and today’s technology is enabling 3D functionality as proven is some other countries; e.g. China (or other application areas). Also institutional aspects are also in important part of the second phase and therefore, besides staff members of the Survey of Israel, also staff members of the other main actors in the Israeli land administration domain have participated in the 17 July 014 meeting. For completeness the presentation is included as annexes to this report. The second phase document in this report continues with the recommendations from the first phase of the investigations and addresses a series of 3D Cadastre/LADM topics: standards, procedures, case studies, SDI, LADM country profile, data transfer, DBMS schema, query and visualization.
